The chief task of the Ministry of Energy is to develop a coordinated and coherent energy policy. It is an overriding goal to ensure high value creation through the efficient and environmentally-friendly management of the country’s energy resources.

The History of Norwegian Hydropower in 5 Minutes
Modern Norway was built and industrialised when we started to utilize rivers and waterfalls to produce electricity. Hydropower is still the backbone of the Norwegian power system, and will remain so in the foreseeable future.

Gas exports from the Norwegian shelf
Norway is an important supplier of oil and gas to the global market, and almost all oil and gas produced on the Norwegian shelf is exported.
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Latest on energy
What's new
- Speech at G20 energy transition working group Speech/statement 09/10/2024
- Prime Minister Støre met with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi News story 07/10/2024
- A responsible approach to floating offshore wind Press release 07/10/2024
- The government proposes to increase the allocation for resource and environmental mapping of seabed minerals Press release 07/10/2024
- The Longship project is near completion Press release 07/10/2024
- Meld. St. 31 (2023–2024) - Long-term Perspectives on the Norwegian Economy 2024 Report to the Storting 09/08/2024
- NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 27/10/2023
- Prop. 2 LS (2023–2024) - Resource rent tax on onshore wind power Proposition 06/10/2023
- Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) - A changing climate – united for a climate-resilient society Report to the Storting 16/06/2023
- Offshore Energy Act Law 29/03/2023
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Ministry of Energy
+ 47 22 24 90 90
Postboks 8148 Dep, 0033 Oslo
Visitor address:
Akersgata 59, 0033 Oslo