

The Petroleum research centers (PETROCENTER) are established to solve defined challenges for the utilization of petroleum resources. The centers work with challenges of great national importance and receive public funding for a maximum period of eight years.

PETROSENTER consists of research institutions  and industry partners, and involves a long-term and targeted research effort at a high international level.

The program was established in 2013 and is administered by the Research Council of Norway. The centers that have been established so far are:

The first two research centers, National IOR Centre and ARCEx were established in the second half of 2013 and was dissolved in 2021. LowEmission started up in 2019, CSSR and NCS 2030 in 2022 PETROCENTERS cover a wider range of OG21's priorities,including sustainable development, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on the Norwegian Shelf, research and development on new potential solutions on the NCS including renewable energy and storage of CO2 and hydrogen in petroleums reservoirs.

The centers can have a duration of eight years, but will be assessed after five years of operation.


Read more about petroleum research on the website of the Research Council of Norway.