
National Biocidal Products Regulation

Registration in the national product register, language requirement for labelling and national fee

All permitted biocidal products containing active substances, in accordance with Article 3 (c) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012, must be registered to the product register upon entry, sale or use on the Norwegian market. The notification must be sent through the Norwegian Environmental Agency's electronic declaration system.

Biocidal products must be labelled in Norwegian. Information on use and description of intended use shall also be in Norwegian.

Biocidal products that can be mistaken for food, drink or feed must be packaged in a way to avoid any confusion.

Applicants seeking approval of an active substance, or approval or registration of a biocidal product, shall pay a fee covering the costs for processing the application. The holder of such approval or registration shall in addition pay an annual fee to cover the costs of carrying out market supervision and checking that the regulations or decisions made pursuant to the regulations are complied with.