Business and industry
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries develops and implements policies and framework conditions for business and industry, trade and shipping. In addition to making active use of the instruments at its disposal, it is important that the Ministry influences and follows up work carried out by other ministries that has a bearing on business and industry. Click "More on Business and industry" to find news articles, press releases and other articles related to this topic. Click "Find document" to search for all documents on related to this topic.
Latest on business and industry
What's new
- Norway's Minister of Trade and Industry visits Poland Press release 29/09/2024
- Norway and Ukraine working to strengthen business cooperation Press release 28/09/2024
- Strengthening Trade Cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia Press release 20/09/2024
- Speech by the Prime Minister at the naming ceremony for "Höegh Borealis" in China Speech/statement 11/09/2024
- Official visit to China Press release 09/09/2024
- Annual report 2023: The Norwegian National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct Report 01/07/2024
- Roadmap 2.0: The green industrial initiative Report 20/03/2024
- Meld. St. 5 (2023–2024) - A Resilient Health Emergency Preparedness Report to the Storting 24/11/2023
- Norway mineral strategy Report 21/06/2023
- Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) - A changing climate – united for a climate-resilient society Report to the Storting 16/06/2023
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
22 24 90 90
Press phone:
902 51 303
Press contact:
Postboks 8090 Dep, 0032 Oslo
Visitor address:
Kongens gate 8, Oslo