
Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government

16. December 1858–17. December 1861

The change between the Vogt Government and the Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government took place at the appointment of Georg Christian Sibbern as Prime Minister on 16 December 1858. The Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government was named after Prime Minister Georg Chr. Sibbern and Ministers Christian Birch-Reichenwald and Ketil Motzfeldt.

The change between the Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government and Frederik Stang’s Government took place at the appointment of Frederik Stang as First Minister on 17 December 1861.

More about Norway’s Council of State during the Union with Sweden.

Secretary to the Council of State in this period:

In Christiania
State Secretary Ulrik Frederik de Schouboe, until 31 August 1859
State Secretary Jacob Worm Skjelderup from 7 October 1859

In Stockholm
Director General Johan Frederik Monrad

About the Government

Prime Minister:
Georg Christian Sibbern
