
Johan Sverdrup's Government

26. June 1884–13. July 1889

Liberal Party (V)

Johan Sverdrup’s Government was appointed by King Oscar II in a session of the Council of State on 26 June 1884, effective as of the same day. It succeded the Schweigaard/Løvenskiold Government, which had handed in its resignation due to the Liberal Party’s pressure to make governments dependent of the Storting. Sverdrup’s Government was the first Norwegian government to depend on support from a majority in the Storting. Sverdrup’s Government represented the Liberal Party.

In a session of the Council of State on 12 July 1889, Johan Sverdrup’s Government handed in its resignation, due to a vote of no confidence in the Storting. Permission to leave was granted by King Oscar II in the same session of the Council of State, effective as of 13 July 1889. At the same time, Emil Stang’s First Government was appointed, effective as of the same day.

More about Norway’s Council of State during the Union with Sweden.

Secretary to the Council of State in this period:

In Kristiania
State Secretary Halfdan Lehmann

In Stockholm
Director General Hans Schlytter

About the Government

Prime Minister:
Johan Sverdrup (V)
Parliamentary basis:
Coalition government
Appointment reason:
Change after government crisis
Resignation reason:
Change after vote of no-confidence
Parties in the Government:
Venstre (V), Det Moderate Venstre (MODVNSTR), Frisinnede Venstre (FRIVNSTR) og Høyre (H)
