
Viceroy in Norway 1814 - 1891

1814 - 1891

Norway’s Constitution of 4 November 1814 gave the King the right to appoint either the Crown Prince or his eldest son as Viceroy in Norway, or to appoint a Governor-General there. The office of Viceroy was in function only in shorter periods. It was abolished in 1891.

9 November 1814 - 30 June 1891  

9 November -29 November 1814  Crown Prince Carl Johan
29 November 1814 - 10 June 1816 office vacant
10 June - 16 July 1816   Crown Prince Carl Johan
16 July 1816 - 11 April 1824     office vacant
11 April - 1 November 1824      Crown Prince Oscar
1 November 1824 - 17 June 1833 office vacant
17 June - 3 September 1833     Crown Prince Oscar
3 September 1833 - 17 June 1856 office vacant
17 June 1856 - 22 June 1857           Crown Prince Carl
22 June 1857 - 19 March 1884          office vacant
19-26 March 1884                         Crown Prince Gustaf
26 March 1884 - 30 June 1891          office vacant
30 June 1891                                 office abolished