
Historical archive

Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2016

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Location: Parkveien 45

Prime Minister Erna Solberg will meet the Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2016, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, on Sunday 11 December.

12:45-13:00 Meeting with the Prime Minister, Ms. Erna Solberg

Venue: Government Guest House, Parkveien 45.

Photo pool: A photo pool will be able to work at the start of the meeting. The pool can also be present as President Santos signs the guestbook after the meeting. Members of the photo pool: NTB Scanpix (NO), NRK TV (NO), TV2 (NO), AFP + Colombian outlets (tbd).

Media should arrive at the entrance at Riddervoldsgate 2 no later than 12:15.

13:00-14:15  Working luncheon hosted by the Prime Minister, Ms. Erna Solberg.

Venue: Government Guest House, Parkveien 45.

Photo pool: A photo pool will be able to work at the start of the luncheon. Members of the photo pool: NTB Scanpix (NO), NRK TV (NO), TV2 (NO), AFP + Colombian outlets (tbd).

Media should arrive at the entrance at Riddervoldsgate 2 no later than 12:15.

14:30-15:00  Press conference with President Santos and Prime Minister Solberg.

Venue: Government Guest House.

Accreditation: Media who wish to attend the press conference need to register no later than Friday 9 December at 12:00 at smkinfo@smk.dep.no.

Please bring valid Press Card and Photo ID/Passport. Media should arrive at the entrance at Riddervoldsgate 2 no later than 14:00.

Press contact: Mr. Arvid Samland, tel. (+47) 930 51 458.