Minister of Children and Equality Linda Hofstad Helleland
Historical archive
Published under: Solberg's Government
Publisher: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet
Minister of Children and Equality Linda Hofstad Helleland (Conservative Party)

The minister of Children and Equality is responsible for the rights of consumers, families, children and young people, as well as for anti-discrimination and full equality between men and women.
Born 26 August 1977 in Klæbu, Sør-Trøndelag
Ms Helleland was appointed Minister of Culture on 16 December 2015. She joined the cabinet from the Storting (the Norwegian parliament), where she chaired the Standing Committee on Transport and Communications.
Storting electoral terms
Substitute member of the Storting (no. 1) for Sør-Trøndelag County, 2001–2005, Conservative Party
Substitute member of the Storting (no. 1) for Sør-Trøndelag County, 2005–2009, Conservative Party
Member of the Storting (no. 4) for Sør-Trøndelag County, 2009–2013, Conservative Party
Member of the Storting (no. 2) for Sør-Trøndelag County, 2013–2017, Conservative Party
Substitute representation
Met regularly in place of Børge Brende, 2001–2005
Membership of Storting committees
Member, Standing Committee on Justice
Member, Standing Committee on Family and Cultural Affairs
Substitute member, Election Committee
Chair, Standing Committee on Transport and Communications
Substitute member, Election Committee
Parliamentary delegations
Delegate, UN General Assembly, 2010–
Member, Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Education and work experience
Klæbu Primary School, 1984–1990
Klæbu Lower Secondary School, 1990–1993
Adolf Øiens Upper Secondary School, 1993–1997
Walled Lake Central High School, USA, 1994–1995
Media Studies and Political Science/Sociology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 1998–2000
Course in international politics, NKS/Molde University College, 2005
Female Future management course, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), 2005
Management and Coaching, Norwegian School of Management (BI), 2006–2007
Project Management, Norwegian School of Management (BI), 2006–2007
Rhetoric, Communication and Management, Norwegian School of Management (BI), 2006–2007
Work experience
Organisational Secretary, National Federation of Young Conservatives, 2000–2001
Care assistant at Radiumhospitalet, 2001 (part-time)
Information and Press Officer, Conservative Party Parliamentary Party Group and Conservative Party Central Board, 2007–2009
Local government
Member, Trondheim City Council, 1999–2001
Public appointments
Vice President of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), from 2016
Substitute member, KIM – Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities, from 2006
Political appointments
Chair, Sør-Trøndelag Young Conservatives, 1999–2000
Member, Conservative Party Working Committee, from 2004
Conservative Party Women’s Policy Chair, from 2004
Member, Conservative Party Central Executive Committee, from 2004
Chair, Sør-Trøndelag Conservative Party, 2008–2009
Other administrative appointments
Member, Klæbu Sparebank board of directors, 2004–2007
Member, Sør-Trøndelags Idrettskrets board of directors, 2015–2015