
Historical archive

Our partnerships

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Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Climate and Environment

Go directly to: Brazil, ColombiaIndonesia, Guyana, Ethiopia, Liberia, Peru, Tanzania, Mexico, Vietnam, Congo Basin , Multilateral Channels (UN-REDD, FCPF, FIP), Civil Society

Norway is prepared to allocate up to NOK three billion a year to efforts on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+). To this end, the Government of Norway´s International Climate and Forest Initiative works closely with committed developing countries, multilateral organizations and banks, and civil society. 

Closer collaboration with a few tropical forest countries should have profound effects and demonstrate that reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries is possible.

Brazil: The Amazon Fund was launched by Brazil in 2008. The Fund is open for contributions from countries, private individuals and businesses. Norway was the first contributor to the Fund, and has committed up to USD 1 billion toward the Amazon Fund in the period 2008-2015 depending on Brazil's results in reducing deforestation. By the end of 2015 Norway fulfilled its 2008-commitment to contribute one billion USD to the Brazilian Amazon Fund in recognition of Brazil's massive reductions of deforestation in its Amazon region. The Amazon Fund provides grants for projects that further support efforts to reduce deforestation. Read more about the Amazon Fund.

During the climate summit (COP21) in Paris on November 30th 2015 the Governments of Brazil and Norway announced that they will continue the fight against deforestation in Brazil through the extension of their climate and forest partnership until 2020. Read joint press release from Brazil's President and Norway's Prime Minister.

Colombia: At COP21 in Paris 30th of November 2015, Colombia, Germany, UK and Norway announced a partnership on rainforest. Read more.

Indonesia: In May 2010, Norway and Indonesia entered into a climate and forest partnership to support Indonesia’s efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of forests and peat lands. Indonesia will take immediate and decisive action to reduce its forest and peat related greenhouse gas emissions. Norway will support those efforts with one billion USD over the next few years. 
Read more about the partnership with Indonesia

Guyana: In November 2009, Guyana and Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding declaring the two countries’ determination to work together to provide the world with a working example of how partnerships between developed and developing countries can save the world’s tropical forests. Read more about the Guyana-Norway partnership.

Peru: In September 2014, Peru, Germany and Norway entered into a partnership to support Peru’s efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in the Peruvian Amazon. Read more about the partnership with Peru and Germany.

Liberia: In September 2014, Liberia and Norway entered into a partnership to improve forest governance, strengthen law enforcement, and support efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions fromdeforestation and forest degradation in Liberia.

The partnership aims at facilitating green growth through the development of a deforestation free agricultural sector in the country. Norway will support Liberia’s efforts with up to$150 million until 2020.

Read more about the partnership with Liberia

Ethiopia: As the first large country in Africa, Ethiopia launched an ambitious and green national development plan in 2011, called the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE). Ethiopia wants to maintain its strong economic growth in the decades ahead and become a so-called middle-income country by 2030, without increasing national greenhouse gas emissions. Read more about the partnership with Ethiopia.

Vietnam: In December 2012 at the climate summit in Doha, Norway and Vietnam signed a climate and forest agreement. The agreement includes support of NOK 180 million for Vietnam's preparatory work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation. Read more here.

Tanzania: Norway is providing support for Tanzania’s efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and Tanzania is also part of the UN-REDD Programme and the FCPF. Norway's support to Tanzania is administered by the Norwegian Embassy. More information on collaboration with Tanzania (the Embassy homepage).

Mexico: Mexico is among the most advanced developing countries within systems for monitoring forests, and holds important experience on forestry policies that benefit local people. Norway wants to contribute so that other forest countries may learn from these experiences, by supporting Mexico with up to 90 million NOK (appr.15million USD) over three years to activities which further develop and document the Mexican experiences and expertice. More about the cooperation with Mexico.

Congo Basin:
Norway supports reduced deforestation in the Congo Basin through different initaitives. The largest one is the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI), joined by Norway as donor in September 2015. In April 2016, the CAFI Executive Board and the Minister of Finance of the DR Congo signed a letter of intent (LOI) of 200 million US dollars to address deforestation and forest degradation in the country and to promote sustainable development. This LOI is the first signed between CAFI and a country of the Central Africa region, and the largest one ever concluded on REDD+ in Africa. Read more.

Multilateral channels: Read more here.

Civil society: Read more on Norad's web page.