
Historical archive

Norway's REDD+ Disbursement

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

Below is an overview of the largest payments made by the climate and forest initiative 2008-2016. Please note that not all disbursements are included here.

Latin-America - disbursements 2008-2016


Total: NOK 7473 million. Payment for reduced deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (compared to historic levels) in the years 2008-2015. Disbursed to the Amazon Fund.

Colombia Total: NOK 105,4 million. Payment for reduced deforestation in the Colombian Amazon in 2013 and 2014, channeled through Germany's REDD Early Mover Program.


Total: NOK 1017,75 million. 970 million are REDD+ payments for results Guyana delivered in the years 2009-2012. Read more about how Guyana's support is calculated. Other support: NOK 29 million to Conservation International to support the Guyana Forestry Commission's work on developing a national system for forest monitoring and carbon measuring (MRV system). Such a system is a prerequisite for being able to monitor changes in forest cover. Read more about this in the background article forest monitoring and carbon measuring. NOK 15 million to support Guyana's EU Flegt VPA Process. NOK 3,75 million to support strategy for climate adaptation.

Peru NOK 56 million
Mexico NOK 90 million


Africa - disbursements 2008-2016
Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) Total: NOK 310 million
CARPE (US-AID) Total: NOK 114,3 million
UNDP in Central Africa Total: NOK 31,8 million
Congo Basin Forest Fund Total: NOK 500 million


Total: NOK 234 million

Liberia Total: NOK 100 million


NOK 353,7 million. For details, see the embassy's website.



Asia - disbursements 2010-2016


Total: NOK 920 million, of which nearly 795 million NOK are activities that are part of the bilateral partnership.

Includes: NOK 306 million in the years 2010-2014 for the establishment of the necessary institutions and reforms, e.g. the introduction of a moratorium, mapping Indonesia's forests and peat marshes, etc. 110 million through the UNDP i 2015, including to prevent forest and peat fires. In addition some support through the Norwegian embassy in Jakarta. 375 million NOK disbursed in 2016.

Vietnam NOK 135 million for regional pilot programmes and building  national institutions.
Myanmar NOK 550.000 (REDD+ readiness)


Global programmes and thematic support 2008-2016
Civil Society Support (Norad) NOK 1832 million
Indigenous Peoples Pavillion - COPs NOK 40 million
Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) NOK 25 million
Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) NOK 40 million
Governors Climate & Forest Task Force NOK 13 million (in 2016)
GGGI NOK 115,7 million
Global Forest Watch (WRI) NOK 29,5 million (2016)
GFOI/FAO NOK 2,1 million (2016)
FAO Satelite Data NOK 6 million (2016)
CDKN/CfRN Reporting NOK 9 million (2016)
WRI Restoration project NOK 15,8 million (2016)
IPBES/TEEB/PAGE/ITTO NOK 160 million (2009-2016) 
Waves 1,5 mill in 2016
Sahara Forest Project NOK 5,4 million (2016)
New Climate Economy NOK 12,5 million (2016)
Bio Carbon Fund NOK 748,4 million
FCPF Readiness Fund
FCPF Carbon Fund
NOK 439,2 million
NOK 1479,6 million
Forest Investment Program NOK 855 million
UN-REDD Program NOK 1570 million