
Historical archive

Seek help if you experience domestic violence

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Justice and Public Security

Domestic violence is unacceptable under any circumstances. If you are a victim of violence committed by a partner or others in your family, it is important to seek help.

The Government has taken a number of measures to prevent transmission of the coronavirus and protect the population.

Domestic violence is unacceptable under any circumstances. The assistance and support services will therefore remain open as much as possible during this challenging time.

If you are a victim of violence committed by a partner or others in your family, it is important to seek help.

Perpetrators of violence may also seek help.

Also contact us if you suspect that a neighbour or someone else in your vicinity is experiencing domestic violence.

Where can you turn?

If you are a victim of domestic violence, are worried that you yourself may commit violence, or suspect that someone around you is vulnerable, please contact one of the services below.

If you are in acute danger, dial the police emergency number: 112.

If you are being subjected to violence in a close relationship, or fear you are at risk, call the police at 02800.

You will be transferred to your police district for assistance with the situation.

If you have been exposed to violence in a close relationship, you can receive help and guidance from a Support Centre for Crime Victims. Such support centres can help by providing:

  • information and guidance on reporting a crime
  • continual support from filing of the police report to case conclusion
  • witness support before, during and after any legal proceedings
  • help to apply for criminal injuries compensation

Call the support centres at tel. 800 40 008.

Here you will find information about support services in your own municipality available to persons subjected to or fearful of violence in a close relationship. The information is available in 13 languages.

Dinutvei.no has information about support services throughout the country, and also provides a question/answer service.

Dinutvei.no also has information on services for persons who commit violence.

The violence and abuse hotline, tel. 116 006, is a telephone help line for anyone experiencing violence or abuse in a close relationship. The VO line is open every day, 24 hours a day.

Those who answer the helpline have experience dealing with people who have been subjected to violence and abuse, and work daily to help with such matters. You may talk to VO personnel about what you have experienced and obtain help and advice as well as answers to your questions. You may call anonymously, and the service is free.

Crisis shelters (krisesentre) can assist you by providing protection, safety, advice and guidance.

If you are experiencing domestic violence, contact your nearest crisis shelter.

Assault centres (overgrepsmottak) provide medical assistance and counselling for those who have been subjected to violence, rape or other sexual abuse. Assault centres are open 24 hours a day and available without referral.

You can talk to your general practitioner (GP) about violence. A GP, sometimes called a family doctor, is responsible for all aspects of your well-being as you undergo health examination, treatment and follow-up. A GP often has insight into an individual’s health and life situation, can be a good conversational partner, and has experience assisting persons in difficulty.

Your GP has a duty of confidentiality and is therefore not permitted to share information about you with others without your consent, unless a threat to life and health exists. A GP will offer the services of an interpreter if needed.

Your GP can also refer you to the specialist health service if necessary, or inform you of other places where you can find help without needing a referral – such as a crisis shelter, family counselling services or other services.

Protective Services for the Elderly (Vern for eldre) helps elderly persons who are at risk of violence and abuse or being subjected to it.

If you are over 62 years old and experiencing violence or abuse, you may call the national contact line at tel. 800 30 196 for advice, guidance and assistance.

You may also use this number if you are a relative or close friend, or if you suspect an elderly person is experiencing violence or abuse.

The telephone service is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The service is free, and you may remain anonymous.

Alternative to Violence (ATV) provides treatment services for those who commit violence in close relationships, but also for vulnerable adults and children and for young people with violence and aggression problems.

ATV’s telephone hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. It assists clients on the telephone and by means of e-therapy. ATV will not be initiating any new courses of treatment in the period through 13 April but is accepting and registering new inquiries. ATV may be contacted for advice and guidance.

The Brøset Model for anger management is an assistance and treatment service for perpetrators of violence in close relationships. Services available in some areas also provide help for young people with violence and mental health problems.

Contact your nearest service. Follow-up is provided by telephone or Skype.

The Family Counselling Service is a low-threshold service for families experiencing difficulties, conflicts or crisis in the family. During the coronavirus pandemic, family counselling offices provide advice and guidance over the phone.

The emergency telephone line for children and youth is a 24-hour servicewith the number 116 111. Those who answer the line work in the Child Welfare Services.

Children may call if they are in difficulty, and adults may call if they need advice or know of a child in difficulty. You may also call the local Child Welfare Services office where you live.

The Support Centres for Survivors of Incest and Sexual Abuse are a supplement to the public support system and provide advice, assistance and guidance to those who have been subjected to sexual abuse and to their relatives and close friends as well.

The telephone helpline for persons who have experienced sexually abuse is a round-the-clock anonymous service available to those who have been sexually abused as well as relatives or close friends.

Call the helpline for victims of sexual abuse at tel. 800 57 000