
Historical archive

Historic agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

‘I welcome today’s agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme. This historic agreement will benefit the international community, the Middle East and Iran. It will also pave the way for closer political and economic contact with Iran,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.

After many years of hard work, an agreement has now been negotiated that will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme is used only for peaceful purposes. The permanent members of the Security Council, Germany and Iran agreed on a framework agreement in April 2015. Today, these parties have agreed on a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.  

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will have the important task of verifying Iran’s compliance with its obligations under the Plan of Action. So far, Norway has provided more than NOK 12 million to support the IAEA’s verification work under the framework agreement.

It is important that today’s agreement is implemented as effectively as possible. This is Iran’s responsibility. Verifying compliance with the agreement, particularly with regard to concerns about its possible military dimensions, is vital. The IAEA will play a crucial role here, and Norway will continue to support its important work,’ said Mr Brende.

Norway has followed up all the Security Council resolutions on Iran’s nuclear programme. For a number of years, Norway has followed the same line as the European Union and has aligned itself with all EU sanctions against Iran.

‘Norway is prepared to lift sanctions in line with decisions made by the Security Council and the EU. However, until further notice the sanctions against Iran will be upheld in accordance with current national legislation,’ Mr Brende said.