
Historical archive

Speech at the launch of Norway’s Security Council campaign

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide held a speech at the launch of Norway’s Security Council campaign in New York 22nd of june.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

While Norway does not have a seat on the UN Security Council, the entire room - including all its chairs - is actually Norwegian.

The Security Council chamber was presented to the UN as a gift from Norway in 1952. 

For the period of 2021-22, however, we would also like to fill one of those chairs.  

So today, it is my honour to officially launch Norway’s bid for a seat on the UN Security Council.


Norway’s gift is as a symbol of our longstanding commitment to the United Nations. However, our support is by no means only symbolic. 

For seven decades, Norway has been a consistent supporter of the United Nations and a rules-based multilateral order.

Since the beginning, we have been committed to protecting and upholding the UN’s integrity and independence.

Norway is one of the largest financial contributors to the UN. We allocate 1 per cent of our national income to development aid.

Our support is consistent. Across the Norwegian political spectrum, there is broad support for the UN and our engagement for sustainable development and peace.

As an elected member of the Council, Norway will work to make the Security Council more transparent, efficient and representative.

We will work with other member states – regardless of their size, wealth or geographical location -  to seek solutions.

We will continue to advocate for development cooperation and partnerships with the nations of the global South.

We will bring to the Council our experience from peace and reconciliation processes - in Africa, the Middle East, the Philippines and Colombia.

As women’s rights and participation is a prerequisite for lasting peace and stability, we will keep it high on our agenda.

Together with partners from many regions, Norway will support initiatives for sustainable oceans and forests.

As a member of the Council, we will highlight the consequences of climate change and the links between security and sustainable development.


Ladies and gentlemen,

When the Norwegian architect Arnstein Arneberg designed the Security Council Chamber, he designed it to withstand the test of time.

The mural shows a phoenix rising from its ashes of two world wars, a symbol of the world being rebuilt after 1945.

The blue wool wallpaper shows the values that should guide the efforts of the Council - anchors symbolizing faith, grow­ing wheat for hope, and hearts for charity.

It is my hope that these symbols of the Security Council chamber also reflect what Norway has been for over 70 years at the UN:

A consistent partner, working for our common future.