
Historical archive

Statement at Nordic meeting on "Sustainable Ocean Development"

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein's statement at the Nordic meeting on "Sustainable Ocean Development" in Stockholm".

Ministers of International Development from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway gathered in Stockholm (from left). Credit: Guri Solberg, MFA
Ministers of International Development from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway gathered in Stockholm (from left). Credit: Guri Solberg, MFA

Dear colleagues and friends,

  • Last week, Norway hosted the sixth Our Ocean conference. Thank you all for your governments’ commitment to the ocean agenda.
  • The conference came on the heels of the IPCC’s Special Report, which told us that we have gone from bad news to worse
  • For more than a thousand years, the sea has forced us Norwegians to be alert and aware of dangers, to ride the waves, reef the sail and catch the wind. 
  • It has taught us to heed the mighty forces of nature – without surrendering to them.
  • It has taught us to heed the advice of science:
  • If we catch less fish this year – there will be more fish to catch next
  • This is win-win in its purest form: The ocean takes excellent care of us – if only we take care of the ocean. 
  • There is no way we can reach the Sustainable Development Goals without unleashing the tremendous potential of the sea.
  • Achieving goal 14, a healthy life below water, will help us reach the first and second goals – no poverty and zero hunger – and it will help us reach goals 3, 4, 5 - and so on.
  • We can only meet our ambition if we take ocean-related action to combat climate change.
  • But efforts to reduce emissions in the future are of little immediate help to people who are struggling to secure their livelihoods at present.
  • It is the poorest that are hit the hardest – as always.
  • That is why strengthening the climate change resilience of developing countries must be a crucial part of Agenda 2030.
  • For many years, Norway has championed emission reductions in developing countries through our climate and forest initiative – and through investments in renewable energy.
  • Over the past six months, we have drawn up a strategy for stepping up our efforts to promote climate adaptation, build resilience and fight hunger.
  • Ocean-related efforts will be crucial to this strategy, and we intend to make a major contribution to global adaptation efforts.
  • At the same time, we need to foster a sustainable ocean economy that can provide food, employment and welfare for all those who rely on the ocean for their basic needs.
  • This summer, Norway launched an action plan on sustainable food systems in our foreign and development policy.
  • We will specifically target small-scale farmers and fishermen in the least developed countries, most notably in Africa south of Sahara.
  • Food security is not just about enough food – it is also about the right kind of food.
  • Seafood is a unique source of fatty acids, bio-available protein and essential micro-nutrients.
  • The new programme Ocean for Development will support a sustainable and inclusive ocean economy by assisting cooperating countries in improving their ocean governance.
  • The idea is to share our experiences on integrated ocean management – knowledge-based management – in order to promote ocean health and unlock wealth.
  • I hope that we can strengthen our cooperation in these areas, just like our environment colleagues just did on marine plastic pollution.
  • Their joint call to work for a global agreement combatting marine litter has already served as a model for a similar call from Caribbean states.
  • We hope other regions will follow.
  • As Nordic countries, we have a lot of clout in questions concerning development, environment and climate change.
  • I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how can we use that influence to lead the way in knowledge-based action on sustainable ocean development. 
  • It is true that we have a sea of opportunities before us. 
  • But only if we ask what we can do for the ocean – not just what the ocean can do for us.