
Historical archive

Prime Minister Erna Solberg's speech at Leaders Summit on Climate

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Erna Solberg is taking part in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, speaking in the session on Unleashing Climate Innovation.

Friends and colleagues,
First, let me congratulate the US on its new NDC.

We need your leadership and ambition to drive innovation and change.

We quickly need development and use of new technologies. And we cannot rely on the market only. Carrots and sticks help technologies pass their tipping points. A high price on carbon is critical. Government and business must team up in new ways to drive innovation and create jobs.

Let me mention a few examples:

  • Norway is moving at record pace towards zero emissions road transport. More than half of all new cars in Norway are electric. Tax exemptions and other incentives – such as reduced road tolls – has changed consumer preference.
  • Norway is a leader in ocean-based climate solutions, harnessing the vast potential identified by the Ocean Panel.
  • As a significant maritime nation, we aim to lead in low and zero emission solutions for global shipping. Our ship-owners have taken on to order nothing but zero emission ships starting 2030. At home, we switch our ferries to electric. And we will half emissions from domestic shipping and fisheries by 2030.
  • We recently opened the first offshore areas for wind power. Norwegian companies work at home and abroad, including in the US, where the Empire Wind project will power more than a million New York homes.
  • We make large investments in carbon capture and storage Last year, we launched the Longship project. Our goal is a complete CCS value chain: CO2 capture, transport and storage. Excess capacity can store more CO2 from Europe.
  • Lastly, we need innovation to stop deforestation. Norway has made available high-resolution satellite imagery of all tropical forests. This will help to improve management and verify performance. Norway is proud to be part of the LEAF Coalition, an innovative model to mobilize private capital for countries that cut deforestation. 

We need a massive push for development and use of innovative technologies. And we need knowledge and solutions to spread across borders.

Together, we will work to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, in line with the goal of the Paris Agreement. 



Prime Minister Erna Solberg
Prime Minister Erna Solberg speaking at the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, convened by US President Joe Biden. Credit: Arvid Samland/Office of the Prime Minister