
Historical archive

Norwegianpetroleum.no replaces Fact sheet

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Up until 2014, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate published a booklet containing factual information about the Norwegian petroleum activities. While the paper edition is now history, up-to-date content will now be available in a new and improved format at NorwegianPetroleum.no.

NorwegianPetroleum.no is a user-friendly, fact-based website where interested readers can learn more about Norwegian petroleum history, current activity and framework conditions.

Articles and facts are illustrated using photos, graphics and maps. All information is accessible, regardless of digital platform, and content can be downloaded, printed and shared through email and social media.

At NorwegianPetroleum.no you will find information including:

-         Importance of the petroleum sector for the Norwegian economy

-         Descriptions of ongoing activity on the Norwegian shelf

-         How Norwegian petroleum activities are organised

-         Regulatory framework conditions throughout the entire lifecycle, from     opening of new exploration acreage to decommissioning fields

-         Facts about fields, companies, exploration activity, production and resource estimates on the Norwegian shelf

-         Emissions and discharges, measures to reduce them, as well as oil spill preparedness

-         The supplier industry and commitment to research and technology

-         Explanation of terminology and an energy calculator

Each topic also contains links to more detailed information. Using the same technology as the facts app for mobile telephones, Oilfacts, parts of the facts basis are daily synchronised with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's facts databases.