
Historical archive

- The European energy union is important to Norway

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

The European Commission today presented a communication on a European energy union. The aim is to ensure secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy for citizens and businesses.

- EU energy policy is of high importance to Norway. The EU is our most important market, and much of the legislation affect us directly through the EEA agreement. But as a large energy producer, Norway is also important to the EU. I am glad to see that the Commission wants to further develop the partnership with Norway. I intent to follow-up on this, and will also participate in the further discussion on the energy union, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien.

In February, the Minister participated at a high-level conference on the European energy union in Riga. The Minister then presented Norway’s
preliminary views on the Energy Union