
Historical archive

Norway supports UN-project against fisheries crime

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

It is estimated that as much as 31 % of the global seafood harvest is from illegal catch. Norway have now provided 3,4 million Norwegian kroner to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP to the project “Blue Resilience” to strenghten the fight against fisheries crime.

- I am proud that Norway has this partnership with UNDP and I have big expectations to the outcome of the project. This problem is closely linked to various other forms of crime such as economic crime, modern slavery, customs and tax evasion and money laundering. Criminals are creative in finding new ways to fill their pockets. We, as Governments, must also be smart and take advantage of our whole Governmental system and become better at inter-agency cooperation and cooperation against borders, says Norway's Minister of Fisheries and seafood, Mr Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen.

Fisheries crime is a widespread and complex problem, and developing countries in particular are losing substantial resources and potential revenue. In addition to the loss of tax and export revenue, fisheries crime also has negative impacts on food security and the human rights and living conditions of coastal populations.

- This project aims at a more flexible and reslient respons against fisheires crime in developing countries through inter-agency cooperation. UNDP will also cooperate with the Norwegian Government to develop a new digital-platform, the Blue Justice Community, to facilitate effective and timely cooperation between Governments. This platform is under development and will be based on Norwegian technology and experience, says Norwa's Minister of International Development, Mr Dag-Inge Ulstein.

Norway is providing developing countries with assistance in this area.

Norway is taking the lead in global efforts to address organised fisheries crime and in 2018 took the initiative for an international ministerial declaration on transnational organised crime in the global fishing industry (the Copenhagen Declaration), which provides a basis for partnerships on this issue with a number of countries, most of them developing countries.

- The Copenhagen declaration is an important tool to spread understanging of how serious this problem is. The support of the declaration has increased from 9 to 28 countries and I encourage all States to follow their example. currently has 28 supporting countries and we encourage more to join” says Mr Ingebrigtsen, Minister of Fisheries.

In 2019 the Norwegian Government launched the "Blue Justice Initiative" in support of the Copenhagen Declaration. An important part of this initative is cooperation with UNDP. UNDP is the largest UN programme with local representatives in 170 countries.