
Historical archive

A Task for Eternity

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Deep inside a mountain on an island in the Svalbard archipelago, halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, more than one million seeds of crops from around the world are stored in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The storage facility thus contains the world’s largest backup collection of seed samples. By establishing the Seed Vault, Norway has taken on a global task that will never be completed. The best way to manage this responsibility is to do so in an eternal perspective.

The Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food manages the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in cooperation with the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen) and Global Crop Diversity Trust.

Minister of Agriculture and Food Olaug Vervik Bollestad
Minister of Agriculture and Food Olaug Vervik Bollestad Credit: Torbjørn Tandberg