
Historical archive

Call for a toxic-free Environment

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Climate and Environment

Minister Sveinung Rotevatn and nine colleagues from EU member states urges the European Commission to set out an ambitious strategy for phasing out hazardous substances from products. The ultimate goal is a toxic-free environment.

The Ministers have signed an Op-Ed Article in Chemical Watch.

- Historic developments such as the REACH regulation has given European citizens the world's strongest protection against hazardous chemicals. But more is needed, Mr. Rotevatn says. - Thousands of new chemicals are developed every year. Our knowledge about the risk to human health and the environment continuously develops. We need a European chemicals policy fit for the next decade.

Phasing out the non-essential use of perfluorinated substances is a Norwegian priority. They are used in a wide variety of products such as ski wax and water-repellent clothing, and some are very harmful to health and the environment.

The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability is part of the European Commission flagship initiative European Green Deal and is expected to be published within the next few weeks. Norway is a long-standing advocate for an ambitious European chemicals policy with a high protection for citizens and the environment.

Together with European colleagues Norway's Minister for Climate and Environment also signed a letter to the Commission earlier this year setting out their common priorities. In addition, Norway submitted a detailed overview of its expectations for the strategy.