
Historical archive

Norway's proposed forestry accounting plan for 2021-2025 finalised

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Climate and Environment

Land use, land use change and forestry will be a part of the proposed agreement between Norway and EU on joint fulfilment of our 2030 emission targets.

A National Forestry Accounting Plan is required under the EU regulation on forest and land use. Norway's proposed National Forestry Accounting plan is now finalised. The plan proposes a forest reference level for the period 2021-2025  in managed forests. The construction of the forest reference level is based on the continuation of the management practices in Norwegian managed forest land, as observed in the reference period 2000 – 2009. The reference level is in average 25,5 mill. ton net removals of CO2 per year in the period 2021-2025, including harvested wood products.

Norway will not be obliged to submit the forest reference level before the EEA Joint Committee Decision establishing the cooperation between Norway, Iceland and EU to fulfil their emission reduction targets for 2030 has entered into force. Norway has informally shared our National Forestry Accounting plan with the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EU. This to inform and contribute to an efficient formal assessment of the plan after the entry into force of the agreement. The definitions, methodologies and data used to calculate the forest reference level are consistent with the methods used to estimate emissions and removals in the National greenhouse gas inventory report reported under UNFCCC, including the National Forest Inventory. The reference level is fulfilling the Paris Agreement's principles of transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability and consistency.  


An agreement on joint fulfilment of our 2030 emissions target will imply that Norway will be part of EU's climate legislation for 2030. This includes EU's legislation on forest and land use. According to Regulation (EU) no. 2018/841 regarding forest and land use, countries shall record changes in removals and emissions from managed forests on the basis of a forward looking reference level. The reference level is the core element in the national forestry accounting plan and shall be subject to a technical assessment before it is finally adopted. The assessment of Norway's forest reference level will be made by the EFTA Surveillance Authority in consultation with appointed experts and in cooperation with the Commission.