
Historical archive

Ola Elvestuen appointed as new Minister of Climate and Environment

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Climate and Environment

At the State Council on Friday the 17 of January, Ola Evestuen was appointed as Minister of Climate and Environment.

Mr. Elvestuen is a Member of Parliament and represents Oslo. He was first elected to Parliament in 2013. He has been deputy leader of the Liberal Party since 2008.

“Norway shall fulfil her obligations as stated in the Paris Agreement. This implies a greener society with less greenhouse gas emissions. We will implement new and environmentally friendly energy solutions, "says Ola Elvestuen.

"As Minister of Climate and Environment, I will also like to be concerned with improved nature conservation. I really look forward to starting the new job”, he says.

Ola Elvestuen was born on the 9th of October 1967, at Vestre Toten. He spent his childhood at the small town of Eina.

Elvestuen holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Oslo, having studied Social Anthropology, Political Science and History. He started a major in History. He has undertaken the leadership training at the Norwegian Defence College.

Ola Elvestuen worked as a city councillor for Environment and Transportation in Oslo during 2011-2013. He was first elected to the Oslo City Council in 2003.

Elvestuen headed the City Development Committee from 2003 to 2011. He was leader of the Oslo branch of the Liberal Party from 2000-2007.

At Parliament, Elvestuen has chaired the Committee on Energy and Environment since 2013.

Elvestuen has been a member of the Norwegian parliamentary delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) since 2013. He has been deputy member of the parliamentary delegation for Arctic parliamentary cooperation since autumn 2017.