
Historical archive

Regional Management Authorities decided culling of wolves

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Climate and Environment

The Norwegian Regional Management Authorities decided last Friday to authorize the culling of 47 wolves in Norway. Such decisions are usually appealed to the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The ministry will handle the appeals prior to the commencement of the hunting season.

Regional Management Authorities

The Norwegian Parliament has decided that The Regional Management Authorities can authorize culling of wolves as soon as the national population management goals are met.

The population management goal was set by Parliament in June 2016 at 4 to 6 breeding pairs. The goal was reached this year. Subsequently various Regional Management Authorities made separate decisions to authorize the culling of a total of 47 wolves within and outside the wolf management zone in Norway.

Appeals handled by the Ministry

All decisions made by Regional Management Authorities regarding culling of wolves can be appealed to the Ministry of Climate and Environment. More often than not, such decisions are appealed. The complaints will be handled with due regard to the Parliament's decision on the population management goal, and will be consistent with the Berne Convention, The Nature Diversity Act and the regulations regarding large carnivores in Norway. The government is committed to ensuring the survival of wolves in Norway.

The Bern Convention aims to conserve wild flora and fauna with particular emphasis given to endangered and vulnerable species. The wolf is listed in appendix II of the Bern Convention as a strictly protected species.

- I acknowledge that this is a difficult and controversial matter. The final decision will be made on the basis of careful considerations. As the responsible minister for the appeals process I cannot comment further on the matter at this stage, says Vidar Helgesen.

The Parliamentary decision

In June 2016, Parliament adopted a new population management goal of 4 to 6 breeding pairs of wolves in Norway. This decision represented a reduction of the ambition proposed by the Government of achieving 5 to 8 breeding pairs.