
Historical archive

Digital entry registration from today

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Justice and Public Security

Today, the digital travel register is being launched, which will replace the temporary, paper-based, solution. To improve infection control, the Norwegian Government decided before Christmas that all persons travelling to Norway must register themselves.

“The Norwegian Government is concerned about import infection, especially in relation to new, mutated, variants of the virus. Therefore, we have decided that all persons crossing the border, including Norwegian citizens, must, as a general rule, register themselves. The purpose of this measure is to ensure compliance with the duty to quarantine, to improve infection control and contribute to improved contact tracing – and thereby limit import infection”, says Minister of Justice and Public Security, Monica Mæland.

Travellers must register prior to their arrival in Norway and may only register their journey within 72 hours of their time of arrival.

“Entry registration, the mandatory Covid-19 testing at the border, the requirement of a negative test prior to arrival and the duty to quarantine. These are all part of the Norwegian Government’s measures to reduce important infection going forward”, says Mæland.

Travellers are only requested to register information that is necessary for these purposes. The data will be stored securely and will be erased after 20 days. 

Once you have completed the registration, you will receive a receipt which you must present to the police at the border control.

The digital travel register is available via regjeringen.no. 

Currently, the solution is only available in English and Norwegian, but additional language versions will be made available. During a transition period, it will also be possible to use the paper-based, temporary solution.

A call centre has been established for those who have questions or who require assistance with registration: +47 33 41 28 70.