
Historical archive

Clarification of entry restrictions for partners residing in third countries that are no longer ‘purple’

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Justice and Public Security

Partners of people residing in Norway who are themselves resident in the USA and have been granted permission by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to enter Norway may travel to the country until the next date when any changes to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s colour coding of countries will take effect, ergo until 23:59 on Sunday 18 July.

Following the USA’s move from purple (to grey) it has been necessary to clarify the entry restrictions applicable to non-Norwegian citizens who have been granted permission to enter Norway via the specific application scheme for partners, but who had not travelled to Norway as of 00:01 on 12 July. In order to clarify this issue, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security is now issuing clarifications in a circular about the entry into force of the Regulations relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health.

Even if a non-Norwegian citizen has received prior approval from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to enter Norway from a purple country as the partner of a person residing in Norway, it is the country’s colour code at the time of entry that determines whether the individual is permitted to enter Norway rather than the colour code that was in place at the time of application or the time that entry was approved.

Which of the countries on the EU’s list of third countries have an infection situation that indicates somewhat eased restrictions are appropriate when travelling to Norway, and which are referred to as being ‘purple’, are stipulated in annex C of the Covid-19 Regulations. This list is updated on a regular basis and includes the following countries as of 00:01 on 12 July: Australia, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The USA was removed from this list as of 23:59 on 10 July.