
Historical archive

Adjustments to regional measures

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Health and Care Services

The Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health have conducted an overall review of the regional levels of measures and are proposing minor adjustments. The Norwegian Government has followed the recommendation. Most of the changes will enter into effect on Monday 3 May at 12 am.

Information in other languages (more languages will be published):

On 15 April, temporary changes were made to the Level A measures (the strictest level of regional measures). These changes are now being made permanent.

In addition, the Norwegian Government has decided to make the following changes, which will enter into effect on Monday 3 May:

Common to all three levels (A, B and C):

  • Adult education, including education pursuant to the Introduction Act and the Integration Act, will no longer be regulated in the levels of measures. It will thus be up to each municipality to decide which measures apply.

  • Employees will no longer be able to wear a visor as an alternative to a face covering in situations where it is not possible to keep a distance from visitors. This is because the effect of visors has not been documented adequately.

Level B:

  • Ordinary teaching at universities, university colleges, and vocational schools is permitted in small groups of up to 10 people.

  • Temporary open-air markets are permitted.

  • A maximum of 50 people may attend funerals, burial services, and ceremonies at graves. This change will enter into effect on Monday 10 May at 12 am.

Level C:

  • Swimming facilities may open to inhabitants of the municipality.

Further details about regional measures

The Norwegian Government may determine which measures to implement in a municipality and surrounding municipalities when it is essential that such measures are put in place quickly and in a coordinated manner in order to prevent the spread of infection.

The level of measures chosen for municipalities depends on the severity of the outbreak. There are three levels of measures that can be applied. These are Level A (a very high level of measures), Level B (a high level of measures) and Level C (a moderate level of measures).

An overview of which measures apply to the respective levels is provided here.