
Historical archive

Financial Markets Report 2020:

A resilient and modern financial system in a challenging time

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Finance

Today, the Government has submitted the annual Financial Markets Report to the Storting. The outlook for financial markets, both in Norway and internationally, is now strongly influenced by the coronavirus outbreak and the powerful measures that have been implemented. This forms the backdrop for this year’s Report, which largely addresses structural issues and regulatory developments.

“The Norwegian financial system is resilient and modern, and has the confidence of its users. This is a strength in today’s demanding situation, and something we must take care of and develop further through sound conditions for the financial industry and sensible requirements for financial institutions,” says Minister of Finance Jan Tore Sanner.

A summary of the Financial Markets Report 2020 is available in English. The summary corresponds to Chapter 1 of the Report, which provides an overview of key policy developments, and a summary of the other chapters. In particular, the summary describes the Government’s efforts to promote financial stability, provide sound conditions for the financial industry, facilitate businesses’ access to capital, and protect consumers in financial markets. It also gives an overview of the activities of Norges Bank, Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway), Folketrygdfondet (manager of the Government Pension Fund Norway) and the IMF in 2019.