
Historical archive

Agreement regarding submarine acquisition contract

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Defence

In 2017, Norway and Germany entered into a strategic, maritime cooperation on materiel, aimed at the acquisition of identical submarines and naval strike missiles. The defence materiel organisations of Norway and Germany, NDMA and BAAINBw, have reached an agreement with the Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems on the contract for new, identical submarines. There is also agreement on a common acquisition of missiles, in addition to the common development of the Future Naval Strike Missile.

Before the final contracts can be signed, the German part of the contracts require parliamentary approval. The process for German parliamentary approval will now begin. The aim is to be able to sign the contracts this summer.

- The submarine capability will be essential in securing our northern flank, as well as NATO’s. In addition, we are leveraging economy of scale by operating identical submarines. The submarine project is intrinsically connected to the common procurement of the modern anti-surface Naval Strike Missile, as well as joint development of a Future Naval Strike Missile. With these agreements in place, work will be secured in Norway well into the next decade, Minister of Defence Frank Bakke-Jensen states.

- It’s reassuring that it is the world’s leading manufacturer of conventional submarines that now will commence the production of the heir to the Ula-class submarines, he adds.

The first submarine will be delivered in 2029