
Historical archive

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs submits a reply to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has sent a letter of formal notice to Norway regarding the rules on general application of coverage of costs for travel, board and lodging in the shipbuilding industry.

The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) has lodged a complaint with the EFTA Surveillance Authority against Norway. According to the Authority, the Norwegian provisions regarding general application of travelling, board and lodging expenses represent a breach of EEA law.

Norway has now sent a reply to the Authority's letter of formal notice.

"The best and most likely quickest way to resolve this issue is through negotiation between the social partners. The social partners are themselves responsible for wage formation. I have communicated this view in my reply to the Authority. I am confident that the social partners will act responsibly and find a solution to this matter," says Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Anniken Hauglie.

Read the letter here