Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 81-100 of 192 results.

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  • Thorhild Widvey appointed Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy

    18/06/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Thorhild Widvey has a degree from the College of Physical Education in Århus, Denmark. She has former work experience as marketing manager of the Rica hotels in Haugesund, project leader in Karmøy county administration and sports leader for

  • Oluf Ulseth appointed State Secretary of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    18/06/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Oluf Ulseth has a Bachelor degree in Commerce from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. Mr. Ulseth was state secretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry from October 2001 until today.

  • Extensive Awards in the 18th Licensing Round

    08/06/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    In connection with the 18 th> licensing round on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, 16 companies will receive offers to participate in 16 new production licenses. The companies will be offered participation in a total of 46 blocks or parts of

  • Bonn: Increased effort on renewable energy

    03/06/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Press release No.: 50/04 Date: 03.06.04 Contact: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 901 97 382 Bonn: Increased effort on renewable energy Mr. Einar Steensnæs, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, is attending the International Conference on Renewable Energy in Bonn

  • Norwegian Energy Scene

    26/05/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • On Oil Prices

    23/05/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech by Minister Einar Steensnæs during the first session, "Setting the scene", of the 9 th> IEF in Amsterdam May 23. 2004 Oil Prices Developments in the oil market have taken us with surprise this year. Crude prices hit a historically high

  • The energy dialogue between Norway and the European Union

    23/05/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Meeting between Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy Mr. Einar Steensnæs and the Vice President of the European Commission Ms. Loyola de Palacio in Amsterdam. (23.05.04.)

  • MoU on energy related research and technology between Norway and the US

    23/05/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Einar Steensnæs, Minister for Petroleum and Energy, and Spencer Abraham, Secretary of Energy. (23.05.04)

  • Long-term value creation on the Norwegian continental shelf

    11/05/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Government's initiatives are aimed at increased exploration activity, increased oil and gas recovery from existing fields and reduced costs. (11.05.04)

  • Sustained high activity on the Norwegian continental shelf in the years to come

    11/05/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The average production of Norwegian crude oil (including NGL) is expected to be 3.2 million barrels per day in 2004, approximately the same as last year. (11.05.04)

  • Why Norway?

    06/05/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Velkomstinnlegg ved Einar Steensnæs på frokostmøte for promosjon av norsk sokkel, under OTC i Houston, 6. mai 2004 Why Norway? Power Point- presentasjon (in pdf format) It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to this information briefing

  • Norwegian perspectives on the global oil and gas challenges

    06/05/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Norwegian perspectives on the global oil and gas challenges

    06/05/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Final norm prices for offshore-loaded Norwegian crude oil in 2003

    28/04/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    For the offshore-loaded crudes the monthly norm prices set every quarter are provisional until the actual transportation costs for the whole year are known.(28.04.04)

  • Norm prices for Norwegian crude oil 4th quarter 2003

    05/04/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Petroleum Price Board (PPB) has set normprices for Norwegian crude oil. (05.04.04)

  • Speech in American Chamber of Commerce

    18/03/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Applications for the 18th licensing round on the Norwegian continental shelf

    27/02/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Press release No.: 14/04 Date: 15.03.2004 Contact: Lars Nermoen, +47 22 24 61 07 Applications for the 18th Licensing Round on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - I am very pleased with the interest that the companies are demonstrating for frontier

  • Ormen Lange and Langeled put forward to the Storting

    27/02/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Press release No.: 13/04 Date: 27.02.2004 Ormen Lange and Langeled put forward to the Storting The Norwegian government submitted a Proposition to the Storting today on the development of the Ormen Lange field and a new transportation system –

  • Temporary Guarantees of Origin

    05/02/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Press release No.: 08/04 Date: 03.02.04 Contact: Lars Nermoen, +47 22 24 61 07 Temporary Guarantees of Origin The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has appointed Statnett as the competent body for issuing guarantees of origin for renewable

  • Awards in Predefined Areas 2004 — announcement of acreage

    30/01/2004 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    - The Government hereby announces the "Awards in Predefined Areas 2004" (APA 2004). (29.01.04)

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