Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 21-40 of 192 results.

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  • More than 200 billion added to the value of SDFI in 2004

    23/06/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The value of the State's Direct Financial Interest in the petroleum activities (SDFI) is estimated to NOK 625.7 billion as of 1 January 2005. This is according to a value estimation carried out by Wood Mackenzie for the Ministry of Petroleum and

  • Norway — An energy nation — In an international context

    21/06/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech given by Oluf Ulseth, State Secretary Ministry of Petroleum and Energy - ECOS 2005 - Trondheim, Norway, 20 June 2005 Norway – An energy nation – In an international context Foils from the speech (pdf format)

  • New initiative for Norwegian-Russian Energy Cooperation

    20/06/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Norwegian Prime Minister Bondevik and Russian Prime Minister Fradkov have today signed a Joint Declaration on Energy Cooperation in Moscow. (20.06.05)

  • Norm prices for Norwegian crude oil 1st quarter 2005

    17/06/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Petroleum Price Board (PPB) has set norm prices for Norwegian crude oil lifted in the 1st quarter of 2005. The norm prices are used as tax reference prices in the taxation of the crude oil producers on the Norwegian continental shelf and are

  • 19th Licensing Round — Announcement of 64 blocks in the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea

    16/06/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    By awarding new production licenses in these ocean areas, the oil companies gain the possibility to develop areas with large resource potential, says Thorhild Widvey, Minister of Petroleum and Energy. (16.06.05)

  • Norway and energy — from the North Sea to the Barents Sea

    15/06/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Thorhild Widvey, ITRE-komiteen/EU-parlament in Brussel 15. june 2005 Norway and energy – from the North Sea to the Barents Sea First of all I will thank you for inviting me to discuss some energy issues

  • How can the oil sector contribute to the reconstruction of Angola?

    07/06/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech by Mr Oluf Ulseth Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Angola-Norway "A partnership for the future" - Hotel Tropico, Luanda, 7 June 2005 How can the oil sector contribute to the reconstruction of Angola? Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a

  • Norway's role in the European gas market

    24/05/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Hydropower '05 in Stavanger 23 — 25 May 2005

    23/05/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Developing Arctic Petroleum Resources in Norway

    13/05/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech by Mr Oluf Ulseth, State Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Tromsø, 13. May 2005. OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Sub-regional Conference Developing Arctic Petroleum Resources in Norway Foiler fra foredraget (pdf format)

  • Enhanced focus on the northern areas

    13/05/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Norwegian Government is taking an active approach to ensure Norway's long term interests in the northern areas. In the Revised National Budget the Government proposes to allocate 65 million Norwegian kroner (NOK) to strengthen Norway's

  • The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

    13/05/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    In the Revised National Budget for 2005 the price for Norwegian crude oil for 2005 is 300 Norwegian kroner (NOK) per barrel. For 2006 the price assumption is NOK 280 per barrel. Compared to the National Budget 2005 this is an upward adjustment

  • LNG technologies - Norway as a frontrunner

    04/05/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • How to start, and how to build, business on the NCS

    04/05/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech by Mr Oluf Ulseth, Deputy Minister, The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Houston, May 4 rd>. 2005 How to start, and how to build, business on the NCS Foils from the speech (pdf format)

  • Widvey: - Increased recovery rate high on my agenda

    26/04/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The average recovery rate on the Norwegian continental shelf is 46 per cent. The goal today is 50 per cent and Minister Widvey has asked the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate to consider if the goal could be even higher. (26.04.05)

  • Thorhild Widvey receiving the NPD report

    26/04/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Thorhild Widvey - receiveing the CO2 report from NPD, Oslo 26. april 05 Thorhild Widvey receiving the NPD report Thank you very much! It is a great pleasure for me to receive this report today. Last

  • Closure speech by Thorhild Widvey

    26/04/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Welcome and opening of the seminar

    26/04/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Welcome speech by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Thorhild Widvey, Oslo, 26. april 2005 Welcome and opening of the seminar Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the seminar CarbonCapture and Storage – Where Are We Today?

  • Norwegian energy policy

    22/04/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

  • Higher oil price environment. How are governments and industry responding?

    21/04/2005 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

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