Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
-The Government proposes an
increase of about NOK 100 million in the 2006 budget for petroleum
research and development (R&D), says Mrs Thorhild Widvey,
Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy. (14.10.05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
This commitment from the Government
enables increased mapping, research and environmental monitoring in
the north alongside strengthened co-operation with Russia, says Mrs
Thorhild Widvey, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy.
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
-Norway is heavily engaged in
developing technologies for carbon capture and storage.
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Compared to the Revised National
Budget (RNB) 2005 this is an upward adjustment of NOK 50 this year
and NOK 65 next year. (14.10.05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
At the deadline for application to
the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2005, the Ministry of
Petroleum and Energy received application from 29 companies.
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
The Petroleum Price Board (PPB) has
set normprices for Norwegian crude oil lifted in the 2nd quarter of
2005. (29.09.05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
As operator on the Snøhvit field,
Statoil last night informed the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
that the cost on the Snøhvit development has increased, and the new
investment estimate is now NOK 58,3 billion. This is an increase of
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
The government has decided to
increase assistance to developing countries seeking Norwegian
expertise and experience in the petroleum sector. This assistance
will be linked up with requirements for transparency and measures
to fight corruption.
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
The Norwegian authorities decided
today that Norway will take part in the International Energy
Agency’s (IEA) emergency efforts to provide oil products.
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Speech by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Thorhild Widvey, INTSOK International Oil and Gas days - Asker, September 1. 05 The Norwegian Perspective Foils from the speech in pdf
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Thorhild Widvey, the Norwegian
Minister of Petroleum and Energy, and Mani Shankar Aivar, Minister
for Petroleum and Natural gas in India, will meet on Thursday 1
September. (31.08.05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
The Ministry of Petroleum and
Energy is proposing new measures concerning the use of facilities
by others, and changes in the Petroleum Regulations concerning the
area fee to promote an efficient exploitation of the petroleum
resources on the
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Speech given by Oluf Ulseth, State Secretary Ministry of Petroleum and Energy - First Securities´ Nordic Energy Summit - Oslo, 17. August 2005 Perspectives in Norwegian Energy Politics – Future Challenges Foils from the speech (pdf format)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Political and industrial decision
makers from Norway, the Russian Federation, the United States, and
the European Union, met today in Kirkenes, Norway. Here you will
find the closing statement (07.07.05)
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Introduction speech by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Thorhild Widvey, The Arctic Energy Agenda, Kirkenes 7 July 2005 The Arctic Energy Agenda Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to open this Round Table here in Kirkenes at the
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Meeting between Mr Andris Piebalgs,
Commissioner responsible for Energy in the European Commission, and
Ms Thorhild Widvey, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
UK and Norway have today approved
the development of Enoch and Blane fields. (1July 05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
The operator Norsk Hydro Produksjon
a.s has prepared the PDO on behalf of the licensees in Oseberg.
This is the ninth development project under MPE consideration so
far in 2005. (01.07.05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Program for the journalists (30
June 05)
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
There is an increasing recognition
of the potential of the arctic areas as a petroleum province and
the importance of sustainable petroleum activity. The Norwegian
Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Thorhild Widvey, has taken the
initiative to