Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Andøya Space has been approved funding amounting to NOK 365.6 million. The Norwegian Government is therefore giving the go-ahead for the establishment of a launch base for small satellites on Andøya.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The government presented its marine report, “Blue Oceans, Green Future” on World Oceans Day. The report highlights the significant role the ocean plays for Norway and for the world, as well as the many challenges and opportunities the ocean economy
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The Ministry for trade, industry and fisheries has today established a mackerel quota at 298 299 tonnes for 2021. In the absence of a coastal State agreement, Norway must establish a unilateral quota for mackerel for 2021.
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The Norwegian government is proposing new rules that will increase transparency around foreign owners of shares in Norway, as well as increasing the opportunities for foreign shareholders to participate in the general meetings of companies in which
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
In order to avoid the border closure having an excessive impact on infrastructure projects, the application-based exemption scheme is to be expanded to include specialist personnel who are required for the construction, operation or maintenance of
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
A new scheme for businesses is to enable them to bring essential personnel to Norway from abroad. The scheme will have strict requirements and limits in place.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
From the 1st of July 2021, Export Credit Norway and The Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (GIEK) merge into Export Finance Norway (Eksfin), Eksportfinansiering Norge in Norwegian.
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The Government has established several measures to ensure that next year’s winter fishing will be carried out in a safe and orderly fashion.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The absence of fisheries agreements with the EU and the U.K. may lead to consequences for Norwegian, British and EU vessels.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Norway, Iceland and the UK have concluded an Agreement on trade in goods that will come into effect on 1 January 2021 and remain in place until a free trade agreement enters into force.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The government is to expand and strengthen the measures available to the Norwegian aviation sector, and will shortly propose changes to the loan guarantee scheme and increase the funding available for underwriting of airline routes.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA ("Norwegian") and Erik G. Braathen’s new airline company have both requested financial support from the Norwegian State in addition to the support schemes that have already been established for the industry. The government
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Norway and the UK have agreed to enter into a temporary agreement on trade in goods that will come into effect on 1 January. The agreement will remain in place until a free trade agreement enters into force a few months later.
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The ownership report is an annual report that provides an overview of the State’s ownership and how the companies have developed. It is intended to increase knowledge about both the ministries’ administration of the State’s ownership and about the
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The Norwegian Government has proposed Christian Hauglie-Hanssen, current DG of the Norwegian Space Agency, as candidate for the ESA Director General.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Norway and the United Kingdom have today signed a new framework agreement on fisheries cooperation.
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
It is estimated that as much as 31 % of the global seafood harvest is from illegal catch. Norway have now provided 3,4 million Norwegian kroner to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP to the project “Blue Resilience” to strenghten the
Press release
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
It is estimated that as much as 31 % of the global seafood harvest is from illegal catch. Norway have now provided 3,4 million Norwegian kroer to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP to the project “Blue Resilience” to strenghten the fight
Web TV
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Minister of Fisheries and Seafood Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen and Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein launches a UN-led project on Wednesday 16 September to combat fishing crime.
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
In order to make it easier for the business community, the Norwegian government is merging The Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK)) and Export Credit Norway.