Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

  • Becoming the world’s most sustainable data center nation

    11/08/2021 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    “Norway has a unique foundation for becoming the world's most attractive data center nation. We have a surplus of renewable energy, low electricity prices, good digital infrastructure and a cool climate. The Government is now strengthening its

  • Norway has responded to the European Commission concerning the regulation of digital platforms

    09/11/2020 News story Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    The Norwegian Government has submitted Norway’s contribution regarding the EU's announced regulation of digital platforms, the Digital Services Act. The contribution makes it clear that Norway supports the EU’s initiative to develop a new regulatory

  • White paper on the new government building complex

    12/07/2019 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    “Opinions are divided on the new government building complex. There are feelings and views related to the physical reminders of the terrorist attack on 22 July 2011, the history of the area, and how the new government building complex will work in

  • The Norwegian Minister of Digitalisation to London

    07/05/2019 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Minister of Digitalisation, Nikolai Astrup, is visiting London on the 8th and 9th of May to learn about the use of artificial intelligence in the private and public sectors.

  • Ensuring two independent counts at elections

    15/02/2019 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation has today decided that all municipalities shall count the votes in the preliminary count by hand. “In this way, we will have two independent counts, ensuring the highest possible accuracy of the

  • Norwegian government to introduce a national strategy for artificial intelligence

    08/02/2019 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    “Artificial intelligence has the potential to have a huge impact on developments in society. Artificial intelligence can provide us with new tools to resolve challenges in society, improve public services, and contribute to increased wealth creation

  • Web TV

    An open, safe and green Government Building Complex

    28/09/2018 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Norway's new Government Building Complex will be slightly smaller than previously estimated. It will be climate and environmentally friendly, and it will be developed in several stages. “We will build an open, safe and green Government Building

  • Record number of election observers to Norway

    09/09/2017 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    158 Norwegian and international election observers are going to follow the 2017 Norwegian parliamentary election, a record of observers for Norwegian elections. "Election monitors provide valuable input into how the conduct of the election can be

  • Increased security measures for election procedures

    01/09/2017 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    - Our election administration system is well tested and secure. We wish, however, to avoid any speculation or uncertainty pertaining to the election results. Security and trust are vital for the conduct of elections. We are therefore augmenting

  • National memorial at Utøyakaia

    21/06/2017 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    The government has decided that the national memorial in Hole after the terrorist attack of 22 July 2011 is to be located at the ferry pier Utøyakaia.“Utøyakaia was one of the most important places on that tragic day almost six years ago, and many

  • Web TV

    Invitation to Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalisation

    14/03/2017 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Norwegian Minister of Local Government and Modernisation Jan Tore Sanner and Minister for Nordic Co-operation and Norwegian Minister of EEA and EU affairs Frank Bakke-Jensen are seeking closer Nordic-Baltic co-operation on digitalisation. On 24 and

  • Digital Agenda for Norway: Digitisation vital for welfare and jobs

    15/04/2016 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    "Technology represents opportunities. We must exploit these opportunities to provide Norway with good public services and to create new jobs," says Jan Tore Sanner, Minister of Local Government and Modernisation.

  • Memorial at Sørbråten to be completed in 2017

    16/03/2016 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    The Government has decided that the national memorial site to commemorate the victims of the terrorist acts of 22 July 2011 will be completed at Sørbråten in the municipality of Hole in 2017.

  • Deputy Minister Olli visiting Australia and New Zealand

    04/02/2016 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Deputy Minister Anne Karin Olli is visiting Australia and New Zealand from 3 February to 13 February 2016. The main purpose of the trip is to have conversations and share experiences on policy making on indigenous peoples and national minorities.

  • The July 22 Centre opened

    22/07/2015 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Today the July 22 Centre opened in the Government Administration Complex. The Centre houses an exhibition about the terrorist attack on 22 July and the ways is which the society confronted the terrorism in the period thereafter. "I am glad that the

  • Information about the commemoration in the Government Administration Complex on 22 July

    17/07/2015 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Practical information and program for the commemoration in the Government Administration Complex on 22 July at 09.30.

  • Invitation to the press: Presentation of the July 22 Centre to the press

    15/07/2015 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation hereby invites to a presentation to the press on Tuesday, 21 July at 1:30 p.m.

  • Approves mineral development at Engebø mountain

    17/04/2015 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation approves mineral development at Engebø mountain in the municipality of Naustdal. - The government is accommodating for business development and new job opportunities in the county. At the

  • Idea phase for the new government building complex

    29/09/2014 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    "We want input and ideas from the public to help create the new government building complex," says Minister of Local Government and Modernisation, Jan Tore Sanner. Work is to commence on designing the layout of the new complex. The government

  • Startup phase for the new government building complex

    29/09/2014 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    "The new government building complex should be modern. We will create a living, safe urban area with the best working conditions and the work starts now," says Minister of Local Government and Modernisation Jan Tore Sanner, marking the occasion of

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