Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Your search returned 13 results.

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  • Minister of Culture Tajik congratulates the team of Oscar nominated film Kon Tiki

    10/01/2013 Press release Ministry of Culture

    -I think it is marvellous that Kon Tiki has been given the honour of being nominated for Best Foreign Language Film. It shows that the effort put into Norwegian film in later years is bearing fruits and that the Norwegian film industry is capable of

  • Agreement on Nordic award for children and young people

    03/05/2012 Press release Ministry of Culture

    The Nordic Ministers of Culture are now taking the initiative for a new Nordic Prize for children and young people. The ministers have begun a dialogue with the Nordic Council about how the prize can be realized.

  • New building for digitization opened in the National Library

    16/03/2012 News story Ministry of Culture

    The new house has advanced technology that digitizes the Norwegian culture and knowledge of history. Thousands of books converted into digital files are preserved for posterity in the National Library's digital security magazine.

  • The Minister of Culture congratulates Oscar-nominated students

    24/01/2012 Press release Ministry of Culture

    - I congratulate Hallvar Witzøe, Gudrun Austli and the rest of the team with the nomination. Reaching this far with his examination film is simply an outstanding achievement. This also confirms that the Film School at Lillehammer is very good at

  • The Minister of Culture congratulates the Norwegian team with great effort in the Youth Olympics

    23/01/2012 Press release Ministry of Culture

    - I congratulate the entire Norwegian team with fantastic effort in the history's first Winter Youth Olympic Games which has just been ended in Innsbruck. This shows that it grows well in Norwegian sport, and that our proud tradition in winter

  • European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou visited the Ministry of Culture

    17/01/2012 News story Ministry of Culture

    Minister of Culture Anniken Huitfeldt met on Monday, 16 January 2012, with Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Sports, Media and Youth.

  • Memorials and Honours after the 22 July attacks

    22/12/2011 Press release Ministry of Culture

    The Government has decided to establish two memorials after 22 July, one in Oslo and one in connection with Utøya. The Government is in the process of appointing a steering committee that will consider and suggest designs for the memorials. The

  • Bereaved and survivors visit Utøya

    08/08/2011 Press release Ministry of Culture

    In connection with the national memorial ceremony for the 22 July attacks, the bereaved and survivors will be given an opportunity to visit Utøya.

  • Web portal for the national memorial ceremony

    08/08/2011 Press release Ministry of Culture

    A dedicated webpage with information about the national memorial ceremony 21 August is now open.

  • The national memorial ceremony 21 August

    04/08/2011 Press release Ministry of Culture

    The memorial ceremony will take place in Oslo Spektrum at 3 pm.

  • Announcement of the new committee

    16/02/2011 News story Ministry of Culture

    The new Committee of The International Ibsen Award was announced by the Norwegian Minister of Culture 28th of January.

  • The International Ibsen Award 2010 to Jon Fosse

    19/05/2010 News story Ministry of Culture

    The International Ibsen Award for 2010 has been given to the Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse. The award was presented on 10 September during the Ibsen Festival at the National Theatre in Oslo.

  • The new name for the ministry is the Ministry of Culture

    04/01/2010 Press release Ministry of Culture

    As a result of changes in the organizational structure of the ministries, issues concerning the Church of Norway are as of 1 January 2010 transferred to the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs. The new name for the