News story
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
From 1 January 2010 the Norwegian ministry structure is changed. As a consequence, The Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion has transferred some departments to other Minstries, and changed its name to The Ministry of Labour.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Ministry of Labor and Social Inclusion changes the practice for return of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. The changes makes it possible to return unaccompanied minors to relatives or other care measures in the home country.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Government has introduced new measures in the immigration policy that will ensure that the Norwegian practice in areas of importance differs as little as possible from other European countries. This is a continuation of the tightening measures
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
Norway has experienced a steep increase in the number of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers during the last two years. It is important to ensure that those among them who do not have needs for international protection are assisted to create a sound
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has received instructions to request stronger demands on documented identity in asylum cases. If an asylum seeker refuses to do what is practically possible to document his or her identity, then the
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Norwegian Technical Calculation Committee for Wage Settlements has released their preliminary report on the basis for wage settlements in 2009. The report outlines recent years’ developments in wage, earnings, prices and competitiveness.
News story
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the member countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2007 and
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion recently instructed the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to change its practice concerning asylum seekers from Southern Somalia. The new practice is effective immediately.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Government of Norway announced in September 2008 thirteen measures to decrease the numbers of asylum seekers to Norway without a need for protection. One of the measures was to establish a fast track procedure for particular groups with a high
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
On 1 November, the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion sent instructions to the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) with a view to ensuring that people who testify in criminal cases relating to human trafficking are given residence permits.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
As part of the Government’s measures to limit the amount of asylum seekers to Norway, the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion instructs the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to change the practice concerning asylum applications from Iraqi
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres and Norway’s Minister for Labour and Social Inclusions Dag Terje Andersen met in Oslo 15 October to discuss current challenges related to refugee protection, in particular challenges caused by
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Norwegian Government establishes a strategy in seven action points to strengthen and coordinate Norway’s efforts in promoting workers’ rights abroad. The strategy will serve as a supplement to the efforts against social dumping at home.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Norwegian Government establishes a strategy in seven action points to strengthen and coordinate Norway’s efforts in promoting workers’ rights abroad. The strategy will serve as a supplement to the efforts against social dumping at home.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
- It is necessary to take measures to decrease the numbers of asylum seekers without a need for protection, says Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.
News story
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
State Secretary Jan-Erik Støstad in the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion commended The National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI) in his closing speech at the 53rd Nordic Work Environment Meeting in Oslo on August 27th.
News story
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
On Friday 20 June, Mr. Dag Terje Andersen was appointed Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion. Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen was appointed new Minister of Health and Care Services.
News story
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
Mr. Jan-Erik Støstad, State Secretary from the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, visited the ongoing International Labour Conference in Geneva, 5 and 6 June.
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
- Labour migration contributes to continued economic growth in Norway. We have to attract the skills needed in the labour market. The Government therefore wants to put the conditions in order for an effective labour migration, said the Minister of
Press release
Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
- The Government proposes several measures for better and more co-ordinated information, as well as simpler and faster case handling for the recruitment of foreign labour. When the needed documentation has been presented, an applicant should expect