Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

  • Content type

  • The State of Norway has concluded acquisition of shares in Cermaq ASA on the Oslo Stock Exchange

    25/06/2013 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The Ministry of Trade and Industry announced on the morning of 25 June that the State of Norway intended to acquire up to 5 million shares in Cermaq ASA on the same day on the stock exchange at the same share price as cleared in the reverse Dutch

  • The State of Norway acquires shares in Cermaq ASA at NOK 108.00

    25/06/2013 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    On Monday 24 June, the State of Norway (the State) purchased 9,46 million shares in Cermaq ASA at NOK 108.00 per share. In addition, the State will on Tuesday 25 June purchase up to 5 million Cermaq shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange at the same

  • The State of Norway acquires shares in Cermaq ASA at NOK 108.00

    25/06/2013 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    On Monday 24 June, the State of Norway (the State) purchased 9,46 million shares in Cermaq ASA at NOK 108.00 per share. In addition, the State will on Tuesday 25 June purchase up to 5 million Cermaq shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange at the same

  • The bill regarding Cermaq is approved

    21/06/2013 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry is authorized to purchase Cermaq shares up to a total holding of 65 percent.

  • Potential purchase of shares in Cermaq ASA

    20/06/2013 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry has initiated a process for a potential purchase of shares in Cermaq ASA. All shareholders in Cermaq ASA are hereby invited to notify Handelsbaken Capital Markets, acting as agent for the Ministry, of any

  • Broker services regarding Cermaq

    12/06/2013 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry has on 11 June 2013 proposed to the Norwegian Parliament that the Ministry be authorized to increase its shareholding in Cermaq AS, and/or to sell its shares in the company. Independent brokers are now

  • A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains

    12/06/2013 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The Norwegian Government wishes to contribute to strengthening the role of Norwegian businesses as engines for sustainable development and poverty reduction, while at the same time supporting the efforts of the UN and the ILO to promote responsible

  • CSR - a driver of innovation and competitiveness

    06/07/2012 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    How can your company increase its global competitiveness through CSR - regardless of size or industry? Get inspiration and learn from some of the best examples on the Nordic market working strategically with CSR.

  • Trond Giske at the Ny-Ålesund Symposium

    22/05/2012 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    Minister of Trade and Industry, Trond Giske, is hosting the Ny-Ålesund symposium from 21 - 23 May 2012. The theme of this year's symposium is "Towards a green economy: the role of technology" and the event is dedicated to innovation and

  • New state-owned company for export financing – Eksportkreditt Norge AS (Export Credit Norway)

    26/04/2012 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The name of a new state-owned export credit company is to be Eksportkreditt Norge AS (Export Credit Norway). The company will be organized as a state-owned limited liability company and is to be established by 1 July 2012.

  • Information regarding the new Norwegian export financing scheme

    22/12/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    On November 18, 2011, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg announced that the Norwegian government intends to establish a state-funded scheme for export credit financing for the Norwegian export industry. The scheme will assume responsibility for the

  • Prop. 42 S (2011-2012) Amendments to Proposition 34 S to the Storting (2011–2012) Export Financing: Export Financing

    21/12/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    Following the submission of Proposition 34 S (2011-2012) Export Financing, further information has come to light indicating a need to submit certain new proposals for resolution and to amend some of the proposals outlined in Proposition 34 S (2011-

  • Export Finansing

    21/12/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    In order to ensure that competitive export financing for Norwegian exporters will be continued, the Government is proposing in this draft resolution to establish a governmental state-funded credit financing scheme for Norwegian exporters.

  • Amendments to Proposition 34 S to the Storting (2011–2012) Export Financing

    02/12/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    In the Council of State today, the Government submitted Proposition 42 S (2011-2012) Amendments to Proposition 34 S (2011-2012) Export Financing. The proposals laid down in Proposition 42 S involve amendments and clarifications of previous draft

  • Joint press release from Eksportfinans’ four largest shareholders

    22/11/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The largest owners of Eksportfinans ASA aim to wind down the company in an orderly manner in order to preserve the interests of all stakeholders. In our capacity as shareholders, we presently view the company’s financial status, liquidity position

  • Governmental state-funded export financing scheme

    21/11/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, comprehensive international efforts were made to strengthen the solidity of financial institutions, and the rules for large exposures of credit institutions have been tightened. This means that

  • Government ensures credit financing for Norwegian exporters

    21/11/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    “The Government intends to establish a state-funded scheme for export credit financing for the Norwegian export industry. The purpose is to provide financing that will ensure competitive conditions for Norwegian exporters,” says Prime Minister Jens

  • Process for considering changes in the ownership structure in Secora AS is now being initiated

    21/10/2011 News story Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry is now starting a process for considering changes in the ownership structure in the fully state-owned company Secora AS. The Ministry was granted permission to consider such changes by the Norwegian

  • Trond Giske and Erik Solheim to visit Africa

    16/09/2011 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske and Minister of the Environment and International Development Erik Solheim will visit Africa in November.

  • Norway’s biggest commitment to cutting red tape, simplifying official forms and reducing the need for reporting

    31/08/2011 Press release Ministry of Trade and Industry

    Ministry of Trade and Industry Trond Giske has launched Norway’s biggest commitment to cutting red tape, simplifying official forms and reducing the need for reporting.

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