Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

  • Content type

  • Unaccompanied juvenile asylum-seekers under 15 years of age : Delay in transfer of care responsibility from immigration authorities to the child welfare service

    29/06/2009 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Ministry of Children and Equality Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion Contact: Ministry of Children and Equality, communications office: +47 97 77 36 34 Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, media and communications: +47 22 24 51 04 The

  • Emergency telephone 116111 for children and youths

    18/06/2009 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    This emergency telephone line is a free telephone hotline service for children and youths exposed to neglect, violence or abuse. Adults worried about children or young people may also use the emergency telephone line. The service is open when the

  • Changes to the Norwegian Child Welfare Act: Better protection of children's rights

    24/04/2009 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Minister of Children and Equality Anniken Huitfeldt proposes changes to the Child Welfare Act that include a strengthening of follow-up care and clarifications designed to make sure children's interests come first in all evaluations that are

  • Strengthening anti-discrimination efforts

    04/01/2009 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    The government has increased the resources of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud in 2009 by NOK 9 million in order to combat discrimination of people with disabilities and to strengthen existing anti-discrimination provisions. An additional

  • Clear prohibition against child punishment

    04/01/2009 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    - There should be no more doubt over whether we've abolished with the right of parents to punish children physically and psychologically in Norway. Clarifications to the law are intended to remove all discussion about its provisions," says Minister

  • Nightingale

    24/11/2008 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    As part of the Government’s strategy for increasing the multicultural knowledge in the child welfare service, the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion has initiated the mentoring programme Nightingale. The programme runs at eight

  • Standard contracts for family and emergency homes: Improved stability for state-funded foster homes

    31/10/2008 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Families that agree to provide family or emergency homes on assignment for the state will now be given new rights. New standard contracts provide these families with increased economic security, including rights to occupational pensions, paid sick

  • Women on parental leave are "forgotten"

    13/09/2008 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    On 12 Sept. 2008, the Work Research Institute (Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet) submitted a research report titled "Consequences of pregnancy and exercise of parental leave in Norwegian employment practice" to the Minister of Children and Equality

  • Simplifying the adoption process

    27/06/2008 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    Preapproval for adoption of children from abroad is given today for a period of two years, with an opportunity to extend the preapproval period by one additional year (2+1 year). The waiting period in the child's country of origin, however, makes it

  • Stricter marketing act to prevent illegal marketing practices

    09/05/2008 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    The government today submitted a proposal for a new marketing act. Cross-border trade is increasing and goods and services are being marketed in new ways. As a result, a modern and efficient regulatory framework is required.

  • National Anti-discrimination information tour

    08/02/2008 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (EADO) did in 2007 on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion an information campaign called ”National Anti-discrimination information tour.” The project was financed by ”European Community

  • Comprehensive marriage proposal up for review

    15/01/2008 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    The Ministry of Children and Equality is sending out for review a proposal for a comprehensive marriage act. The proposal is for a single marriage law covering both same-sex and male-female couples.

  • Minister Ramin-Osmundsen to strengthen consumer policy

    15/01/2008 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    Minister of Children and Equality Manuela Ramin-Osmundsen comes to her new post with a desire to be an active consumer affairs minister.

  • - Children with parents who are mentally ill or who abuse alcohol or drugs must be followed closely: Pre-natal support

    15/01/2008 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    "Children with parents who are mentally ill or who abuse alcohol or drugs must be followed closely from before birth to the start of school. We have initiated a major project in which specialized teams will guide and assist municipalities in their

  • Immigrant of the Year 2006

    09/03/2007 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    The 2006 prize for Immigrant of the Year was presented today under the auspices of the Ministry of Children and Equality. The second annual award presentation took place at the Riverside Youth Centre.

  • Minister of Children and Equality, Karita Bekkemellem, is blogging at Gender in Norway this week.

    05/03/2007 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    In connection with the celebration of the International Women's Day, the Minister of Children and Equality, Karita Bekkemellem, is blogging at Gender in Norway, Gender.no, this week.

  • Comments sought on new marketing law

    01/03/2007 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Marketing and business transaction techniques have evolved greatly in recent decades, and are increasingly international in character. That is the background for a proposed new marketing law for which the Ministry of Children and Equality began

  • Family and consumer policies changing on 1 July

    28/07/2006 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Several legislative changes affecting the Ministry of Children and Equality are due to take effect on 1 July. Among them is an extension of the paid parental leave period reserved for fathers after a birth or adoption - the “father quota”.

  • Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem acts to hinder human trafficking

    29/06/2006 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem today launched the campaign "Stop Human Trafficking" as a part of a Government action plan. The object is to change attitudes by casting light on the connection between the sex trade and human

  • Anne Enger Lahnstein leads Equal Pay Commission

    16/06/2006 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem today presented the new Norwegian Equal Pay Commission. One task of the Commission will be to consider ways of narrowing the wage gap between women and men.

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