Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
The 2014 national budget proposes significant investments in all areas of education and research. Measures include expanding access to day care institutions, as well as a major push to improve the quality of vocational training and to increase the
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
The Norwegian Government has appointed a Commission to investigate how Norwegian educational authorities and institutions shall relate to the rapid developments of higher educational courses supplied through the Internet.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The Holberg Prize was awarded today at a formal ceremony at Håkonshallen in Bergen. Minister of Education and Research Kristin Halvorsen presented the prize to the French anthropologist and sociologist Bruno Latour. Bruno Latour is professor at
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The Abel Prize was awarded today at a formal ceremony at the University of Oslo. H.M. King Harald presented the prize to the Belgian mathematician Pierre Deligne. Minister of Education and Research Kristin Halvorsen attended the ceremony.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The annual Transatlantic Science Week is a conference aimed at promoting collaboration between research, innovation, and educational institutions and organizations in the US and Norway.
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
The education sector will receive NOK 1.9 billion in extra funding in 2013. This will result in: lower prices at kindergartens; additional places at universities and university colleges being maintained; more teachers at secondary schools; and
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
H.R.H The Crown Princess Mette-Marit presented today the Holberg International Memorial Prize 2012 to the Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells. The award ceremony took place in Håkonshallen in Bergen.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
Seven outstanding researchers are awarded this year’s Kavli Prizes in astrophysics, neuroscience and nanoscience. Four of them are women.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The Holberg Prize Laureate of 2012 is Professor of Sociology Manuel Castells. Castells’ research includes topics such as urbanisation and new information technology.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2012 to Endre Szemerédi.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2009 and
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
Continued low rates for day care, optional subjects at lower secondary level, continuation of student places and strengthening of basic research are main priorities for the Ministry of Education and Research in the 2012 budget.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research together with the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion and the Ombudsman for Children have today launched an online Book of Condolences for children and young people.
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2011 to John Milnor, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Stony Brook University, New York “for pioneering discoveries in topology, geometry and algebra”.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
The Holberg International Memorial Prize of 2011 is awarded to Professor of History, Jürgen Kocka. He is a historian of modern Germany and Europe and he is particularly interested in comparative approaches, social history and cooperation with the
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
During her visit to Japan, minister for research and higher education Ms. Tora Aasland launched the NorAlumni Japan - a network aimed to connect Japanese students, reserarchers and scolars with Norwegian industry and academia.
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
Minister Tora Aasland has taken the lead in an initiative of European education ministers towards their colleague in Belarus and warned against developments that threaten academic freedom in this country.
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
Bodø University College will change its name from 1 January 2011 to become The University of Nordland.- I am very pleased that the county of Nordland has now got its university and that the University College has been rewarded for its long-term
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
In 2011, allocations to education and knowledge increase with the total of NOK 4.6 billion. -We are pleased that the government, within a tight budget, has chosen to prioritise the most important investment that we can make in our future - the
News story
Ministry of Education and Research
NorAlumni China - a network for helping former students from China to stay connected with Norway and the Norwegian business sector is now in place.