Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

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Your search returned 8 results.

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  • Temporary stately third party insurance for Norwegian aircraft and airports

    28/09/2001 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    The Government has to-day before the King in Council put forward a proposal for a temporary stately third party insurance for Norwegian aircraft and airports covering damages caused by acts of war and terrorism. (28 September 01)

  • Changes in the Share Structure of SAS

    20/04/2001 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    The Norwegian Government has today submitted a proposal to Stortinget for approval of a change in the share structure of SAS, through which the shares in SAS Norge ASA held by the Norwegian State are exchanged for the same amount of shares in a

  • Norwegian UMTS-licenses awarded

    29/11/2000 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    The following four have been awarded nation-wide licences to develop and operate a third generation (3G) system for mobile telecommunications in Norway: Broadband Mobile ASA, NetCom GSM as, Tele2 Norge AS and Telenor ASA. (29.11.2000)

  • Press conference: UMTS-licences

    29/11/2000 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    Press release No.: 113/2000 Date: 29.11.00 Press conference: UMTS-licences In connection with the awarding of UMTS/3G-licences in Norway we would like to invite to a press conference at 5 PM, Wednesday 29 th >November. Auditoriet, R-5 Akersgata 59

  • Initial Public Offering of Telenor AS

    21/08/2000 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    The Ministry of Transport and Communications, after considering all relevant factors, plans to launch the sale of shares in Telenor AS towards the end of October 2000, at the earliest. See press release of August 21 2000.

  • Telenor initial public offering syndicate appointments

    07/07/2000 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    Press release No.: 67/2000 Date: 07.07.2000 Telenor initial public offering syndicate appointments Not for distribution in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications and Telenor today

  • Initial Public Offering of Telenor AS

    22/05/2000 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet

    Press release No.: 51/2000 Date: 19.05.2000 Initial Public Offering of Telenor AS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN The Norwegian Government has today submitted a bill to parliament providing for the partial privatisation

  • Global coordinators appointed for the listing of Telenor

    13/04/2000 Press release Samferdselsdepartementet
