Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In the budget proposal for 2006,
the Government proposes increasing development assistance by NOK
1.9 billion. It is proposed that a total of NOK 18.5 billion be
allocated for development assistance in 2006. This brings
development assistance
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In the Foreign Ministry’s budget
areas, Jan Petersen wishes to focus on democracy building through
humanitarian efforts, human rights and peaceful resolution of
conflicts. Provisions have been made for substantial increases in
disarmament and
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I strongly condemn the killing of
three soldiers and two other members of the African Union
Monitoring Mission in Sudan (AMIS) in Darfur on 8 October. We
also condemn the kidnapping on 9 October of 38 observers from the
AMIS force in Darfur,
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The government will submit a
proposal to the Storting for an additional development assistance
allocation of NOK 300 million for the victims of natural disasters.
According to the proposal, the main share would be earmarked for
those affected by
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The award of this year’s Nobel
Peace Prize to Dr Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) highlights one of the most serious security
challenges facing the world today, said Foreign Minister Jan
Petersen. (07.10)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The relief, NOK 3 million, will be
channelled through Save the Children, the Norwegian Red Cross,
Norwegian People’s Aid and the UN. (10.10)
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
“I am very pleased that the EU and
Turkey have opened negotiations on Turkish membership,” said
Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. “This will help to ensure stability
and democratic development in the region.” (05.10)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
165 Norwegians are travelling to
Thailand the 3
rd> October to take part in a programme of
commemoration for those they lost in the tsunami. Health Minister
Ansgar Gabrielsen will be representing the government at the
official memorial ceremony
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The government decided 30 September
to grant Indonesia a debt moratorium for 2005. All payments falling
due this year will be rescheduled over five years, up to 2009. For
Norway, the amount of money involved is only NOK 3 million.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We will use this opportunity to
reinforce the IAEA’s efforts to find political solutions to Iran’s
and North Korea’s nuclear programmes, said Foreign Minister Jan
Petersen. (03.10)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Under the pact, the parties
undertake to carry out democratic elections and political dialogue,
and to establish a state governed by the rule of law. At the same
time they renounce the use of violence. (29.09)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The conflict in Sri Lanka is going
through its most turbulent phase since the ceasefire agreement was
concluded. The Co-Chairs of the Sri Lanka peace process (USA, EU,
Japan and Norway) held an extraordinary meeting in New York 19
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
An agreement provides for improved
access for Norwegian goods and services to the Vietnamese market
once the country has completed its accession process with the WTO
member states. (20.09)
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We are disappointed by the lack of
progress on non-proliferation and disarmament. But progress has
been made in several other areas, and we must make sure we take
advantage of it, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Jan Petersen.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Media Programme for Foreign Minister Jan Petersen - UN General Assembly 60 New York, 13 - 26 September 2005 Tuesday 13 September (3:00 PM Opening of UN General Assembly 60) Wednesday 14 September 9:00 AM: Summit Opening 10:00 AM: Press meeting -
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Retired Major General Trond
Furuhovde, former head of Mission of the Sri Lanka Monitoring
Mission, will visit Sri Lanka within the next month as special
representative of the Norwegian Government. (09.09)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The UN Secretary General’s
initiative to submit the Oil-for-Food Programme to an extensive
independent inquiry is unprecedented in UN history, commented
Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. (09.09)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL)
as well as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have, in
written communication to the Royal Norwegian Government (RNG),
expressed their strong commitment to hold a meeting to consider
practical ways of
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of International
Development Hilde F. Johnson announced the contribution at an
international donor conference in London - also attended by UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan. (07.09)
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The government has decided to
increase assistance to developing countries seeking Norwegian
expertise and experience in the petroleum sector. This assistance
will be linked up with requirements for transparency and measures
to fight corruption.