Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Change of Government (pfd)
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Change of Prime Minister in Norway Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland announced today, that as of Friday, October 25th, she would be succeeded as Head of the Norwegian Labour Government by the incumbent Leader of the Norwegian Labour Party, Mr.
Press release
Press release
Finans- og tolldepartementet
THE NORWEGIAN Ministry of Finance Senior Information Officer Anne-Sissel Skånvik, tel: +(47) 22 24 41 09 Pressrelease October 4. 1996 _________________________________________________________________________ The Norwegian economy: Continued growth
Press release
Press Release No.050/96 26. september 1996 Declaration on Arctic military environmental cooperation between Russia, U.S.A and Norway signed today in Bergen, Norway The Russian, American and Norwegian ministers of defence signed today in Bergen a
Press release
Press Release No: 051/96 25.09.1996 Historic termination of the military assistance program Secretary of Defense William Perry and Minister of Defence Jørgen Kosmo will sign a termination agreement for the Military Assistance Program on Friday 27
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Norwegian Premier offers condolences to Russia (pdf)
Press release
Press Release The Ministry of Fisheries NR. 15b/96, 18. April 1996 Producer organisations in the fishfarming industry The Ministry of Fisheries has on 18 April 1996 circulated to relevant bodies a memorandum proposing a legal basis for establishing
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Norwegian support for South Africa's constitutional process (pdf)
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Norway supports Commission on Truth and Reconciliation (pdf)
Press release
Nærings- og energidepartementet
Press Release Norwegian Ministry of Industry and Energy 2. February 1996 Today, the King in Council has awarded 18 production licenses comprising 46 blocks or parts of blocks. Enclosed is information regarding which companies that have been awarded
Press release
Nærings- og energidepartementet
15th round of licensing on the norwegian continental shelf - offers for participation in production licenses Today the Cabinet decided to offer the industry blocks in the 15th Round of Licensing on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The Cabinet aims
Press release
Finans- og tolldepartementet
P r e s s r e l e a s e The norwegian ministry of finance 1. december 1995 Final Budget Bill: Strong economic growth The currrent situation and outlook is broadly in line with the picture presented in the National Budget in October. New information
Press release
Justis- og politidepartementet
PRESS RELEASE The Royal Ministry of Justice October 10, 1995 Souhaila Andrawes to be extradited to Germany The Ministry of Justice has decided today that Souhaila Andrawes is to be extradited to Germany. On 19 October 1994 Germany requested that
Press release
Press Release Ministry of Foreign Affairs 21. july 1995 Norway pledges USD 15 million at the Consultative Group meeting for Uganda - Government to Government co-operation to be discussed shortly. Norway has announced a USD 15 million pledge at the
Press release
Finans- og tolldepartementet
Press Release Ministry of Finance 10. may 1995 Revised National Budget 1995: A tight fiscal policy stance in 1995 In the Revised National Budget, the Government confirms the tight fiscal stance in 1995 introduced in the Final Budget Bill - including
Press release
Finans- og tolldepartementet
Press Release Ministry of Finance 10. mai 1995 Revised National Budget 1995: The Norwegian economy and the Convergence criteria of the Maastricht-treaty [1] Criterion 1: General government net borrowing should be less than 3 per cent of GDP: Norway:
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Prime Minister congratulates Rabin and Arafat (pdf)
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Prime Minister mourns Johan Jørgen Holst (pdf)