Press release
Office of the Prime Minister
Following the resignation tendered by Jens Stoltenberg’s second government 14 October, the King in a Council of State session at 10 am today accepted the resignation as of 12.00 noon today. At the same time, the King appointed Erna Solberg’s
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On October 14th and 15th, the OECD Investment Committee will hold meetings where questions relating to the interpretation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises will be discussed.
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
In the National Budget 2014, the Government is proposing continued investment in increased oil recovery and the development of the petroleum industry in northern Norway. Accordingly, the grants to Petoro and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate will
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
In the National Budget 2014, the Government is proposing further funding of NOK 450 million for the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) over the period 2014 to 2017. NOK 150 million of funding is proposed for 2014.
Press release
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
In the National Budget 2014, the Norwegian State’s net cash flow from the petroleum industry is estimated at almost NOK 344 billion in 2013. Taxes account for NOK 207 billion of this amount, while the State’s Direct Financial Interest (SDØE)
Press release
Office of the Prime Minister
Jens Stoltenberg’s second government today at 13.00 tendered its resignation in an extraordinary session of the Council of State at the Royal Palace. The King requested the government to continue as a caretaker government until a new government has
Press release
Ministry of Health and Care Services
The Government proposes to strengthen the hospital budgets with NOK 2.4 billion in the National Budget for 2014, compared with the revised budget for 2013. The strengthening will found a growth in activity of 2.3 percent. That is the highest
Press release
Office of the Prime Minister
Following the presentation in the Storting (Parliament) of the state budget for 2014, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg this morning asked for the floor to state that his government will tender its resignation in an extraordinary session of the
News story
Ministry of Defence
In the national budget for 2014, the government continues to give considerable priority to the Norwegian Armed Forces, and to ensure a predictable and stable foundation for the further modernisation of the Defence sector. Maintaining a sustainable
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Co-location of Nordic missions in New York could become a reality in 2018 if developments go the way Norway and the other Nordic foreign ministers are hoping.
Press release
Ministry of Finance
The Norwegian Government proposes tax changes from 2014 to strengthen competitiveness and profitability, and stimulate investments in the mainland economy. The corporate tax rate will be lowered, the tax credit scheme for R&D will be increased and a
Press release
Ministry of Education and Research
The 2014 national budget proposes significant investments in all areas of education and research. Measures include expanding access to day care institutions, as well as a major push to improve the quality of vocational training and to increase the
Press release
Ministry of Finance
The Norwegian economy continues to perform well, with economic growth near trend and low unemployment. However, a high cost level poses challenges for the trade exposed industries.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government is continuing to increase funding for Norway’s High North efforts. A project that involves allowing the research vessel Lance to freeze into the Arctic ice, an initial allocation for a new medicine and health studies building at the
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government is to set aside NOK 50 million for regional cooperation projects in Asia.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The GAVI Alliance (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will together receive an additional NOK 330 million in the national budget for 2014. The Government wishes to intensify
News story
Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance has concluded its deliberation of eight recommendations from the Council on Ethics about observation and exclusion of companies from the Government Pension Fund Global's (GPFG) investment universe. In five of the cases the
News story
Ministry of Finance
The Ministry announced, in Report No. 10 (2009-2010) to the Storting on the Management of the Government Pension Fund in 2009, its intention to conduct broad and regular reviews of active management of the GPFG at the beginning of each term of the
News story
Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance has amended a rule regarding the calculation of risk-weighted assets under the IRB approach. In order to strengthen the banks internal models to promote financial stability, the minimum requirement for banks' estimates of the
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Norway has ratified the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing to genetic resources. Norway deposited the instrument of ratification at the UN Treaty Event. Norway is the first developed country to ratify the Protocol.