
Historical archive

National Budget 2014:

Improved patient care

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Health and Care Services

The Government proposes to strengthen the hospital budgets with NOK 2.4 billion in the National Budget for 2014, compared with the revised budget for 2013. The strengthening will found a growth in activity of 2.3 percent. That is the highest estimated growth of activity ever for the regional health authorities.

The Government proposes to strengthen the hospital budgets with NOK 2.4 billion in the National Budget for 2014, compared with the revised budget for 2013. The strengthening will found a growth in activity of 2.3 percent. That is the highest estimated growth of activity ever for the regional health authorities.

–We prioritize an improved patient care, and we continue to increase the hospital budget. Strong hospital economy opens up for new investments and better care, says Minister of Health and Care Services Jonas Gahr Støre.

The total to hospitals is NOK 2403 million, of which is the general budget NOK 2053 million. NOK 350 million is allocated to specific initiatives.

Priority areas:

Increased treatment capacity for patients with drug problems and psychiatric ailments

The regional health authorities shall acquire more treatment capacity from non-profit organizations. It is a goal to increase the number of care facilities with approximately 200 in the four regions. The increased capacity will be directed at patients with drug problems and psychiatric ailments, patients with need for emergency care, and pregnant women and families with complex care needs.

ICT and medical and technical equipment

The Government proposes an increase in investments in ICT and medical and technical equipment at the regional health authorities of NOK 250 million.


The Government proposes to strengthen research within the regional health authorities by NOK 100 million. It is a goal that the research contributes to building a better foundation for safe and efficient services. It is especially important with research within the areas of cardiovascular diseases, muscle disorder, psychiatric health, neurological disorders including dementia and cancer.

National services within the specialist Health Care Services

The Government proposes to establish seven national treatment services and six national expertise services in 2014. One of these is the National expertise service for tick-borne diseases.

A pilot project for bowel cancer screening

The Government proposes to allocate NOK 10 million to an ongoing pilot project for bowel cancer screening.

Better prioritizing in the specialist health care service

The Government proposes to allocate NOK 5 million to establish a system for introducing new technology in the specialist health care services. The goal is to secure equal access to new methods that are safe, have a documented effect, and are cost-effective.

Advancing quality and patient safety

The Government proposes to allocate NOK 30 million for efforts to advancing quality and patient safety. It is proposed that the money is allocated to the five-year national program for patient safety, and to secure follow-up of new law provisions which gives patients and relatives the right to access information, and the right to express their opinion in cases of supervision.