
Historical archive

Stoltenberg’s second government tenders its resignation

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Office of the Prime Minister

Jens Stoltenberg’s second government today at 13.00 tendered its resignation in an extraordinary session of the Council of State at the Royal Palace. The King requested the government to continue as a caretaker government until a new government has been formed.

Jens Stoltenberg’s second government today at 13.00 tendered its resignation in an extraordinary session of the Council of State at the Royal Palace. The King requested the government to continue as a caretaker government until a new government has been formed.

For the forming of a new government, the Prime Minister advised the King to approach the leader of the Conservative Party, Ms. Erna Solberg.

The Stoltenberg government’s application to resign reads as follows:

«His Majesty the King,

The general elections of 9 September and the subsequent agreement between the Liberal Party, the Christian Democratic Party, the Progress Party and the Conservative Party, had the result that there now exists a parliamentary basis for a government representing the Conservative Party and the Progress Party.

On behalf of the Government I therefore allow myself to tender our resignation.

With profound respect
Jens Stoltenberg…».

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg signing the application to resign. (Photo: Office of the Prime Minister) 

To the editor:
Prime Minister Stoltenberg’s press conference on the coming change of government will take place today at 14.00, in the Press Room at Government Guest House. Press with press card will be let in at Riddervolds gate 2 from 13.00.

We will be back with details on the upcoming change of government in a press release this afternoon.

Press contact: Head of Communication Trude Måseide, mobile 957 26 510.