
Historical archive

Norway’s biggest commitment to cutting red tape, simplifying official forms and reducing the need for reporting

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Trade and Industry

Ministry of Trade and Industry Trond Giske has launched Norway’s biggest commitment to cutting red tape, simplifying official forms and reducing the need for reporting.

Ministry of Trade and Industry Trond Giske has launched Norway’s biggest commitment to cutting red tape, simplifying official forms and reducing the need for reporting.

- We have promised to quantify our goal regarding simplification for business. By 2015, our efforts should result in a total cost reduction of 10 billion Norwegian kroner. It is an ambitious goal, and to succeed we need cooperation and input from companies all over Norway, Giske said.

Earlier this spring the government revoked the audit requirement for companies with annual revenues of less than 5 million Norwegian kroner. Between 130 000 and 140 000 companies are affected by the change. Each of them is expected to save between 10 000 and 30 000 kroner in annual auditing expenses. This will mean a total annual cost reduction of some two billion Norwegian kroner.

Giske also promises further development of AltInn and more electronic reporting.

- The goal is less time-consuming reporting, more reuse of data across government agencies and regulations that are accurate and easy to understand. We have come a long way and will follow up with further measures to simplify, Giske said.