
Historical archive

CSR - a driver of innovation and competitiveness

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Trade and Industry

How can your company increase its global competitiveness through CSR – regardless of size or industry? Get inspiration and learn from some of the best examples on the Nordic market working strategically with CSR.

How can your company increase its global competitiveness through CSR – regardless of size or industry? Get inspiration and learn from some of the best examples on the Nordic market working strategically with CSR.

Within the framework of the Norwegian Chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2012, the conference is organized by The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry in cooperation with Nordic Innovation and Center for Corporate Diversity (CCD).

The conference will explore how Nordic companies can use corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a driver of innovation and global competitiveness. Companies of different sizes and from different industries will share their experience of working strategically with CSR. How have they done it in practice, and what impact has it had on their business? Get inspiration and learn from some of the best examples on the market!

The Nordic Ministers of Trade and Industry will discuss how governments can contribute to realizing companies’ innovative potential.

A common Nordic Strategy for CSR policy will be introduced and the study Nordic 500 will be presented, with results of how and to what extent large companies in the Nordic region have implemented corporate social responsibility as a part of their innovation strategies.

Time: 11 October 2012
Venue: Clarion Hotel Trondheim

Further information will follow.