
Historical archive

New web portal for inhabitant initiatives

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

A new service from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development will allow all residents to use the internet to propose changes in their home municipality.

A new service from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development will allow all residents to use the internet to propose changes in their home municipality.

The web portal misak.no/minsak.no (my initiative) makes it possible for residents to suggest initiatives and gather signatures. If enough signatures are gathered, the municipal council must consider the initiative. At least two per cent of the residents in the municipality must sign the petition, or at least 300 signatures must be obtained in municipalities with more than 6000 inhabitants. A minimum of 500 signatures are needed at the county level. Previous surveys indicate that about one in five initiatives are approved.

“We have taken a new step in the effort to use modern technology to develop local democracy. It will be easier for people to promote initiatives and advocate their interests when we make it easier for residents to suggest initiatives online,” says Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Liv Signe Navarsete.

The new web portal makes it easy to spread inhabitant initiatives on various social media.

The residents of a municipality already have the right to have initiatives heard by the municipal council if they have gathered enough signatures. However, this right is rarely used. Navarsete hopes more people will promote initiatives in their local communities.

“I hope and believe that misak.no can promote good initiatives which deserve to be heard and deliberated by the municipal council. I have previously encouraged council members and municipal politicians to give serious consideration to inhabitant initiatives,” says Navarsete.