
Historical archive

Stronger demands on documented identity in asylum cases

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has received instructions to request stronger demands on documented identity in asylum cases. If an asylum seeker refuses to do what is practically possible to document his or her identity, then the authorities will, to a larger extent, deny or issue a limited permission.

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has received instructions to request stronger demands on documented identity in asylum cases. If an asylum seeker refuses to do what is practically possible to document his or her identity, then the authorities will, to a larger extent, deny or issue a limited permission.

The fact that very few asylum seekers can identify themselves with a valid travel document is a major problem. Over 95 per cent lack such documents when they report to the police for registration.

– In cases where the UDI considers to grant a residence permit on humanitarian grounds, and the foreigner lacks identity documentation, I have instructed that they shall, to a larger extent, deny or issue a limited permission which does not form the basis for a permanent residence permit or family migration, says the Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, Dag Terje Andersen.

It is important to know the identity of those who are granted residence in Norway. Even though many applicants have understandable reasons to be without identity documents, the authorities must have stronger demands on those who have the possibility to provide such documentation.

There are a number of reasons to why asylum applicants lack valid identity documents. Those who escape because of a need for protection will often lack the opportunity to obtain such documents issued from the authorities in their country of origin. In some cases the problem can be that there are no functioning instances of authority that issue identity documents.

Some people get rid of their identity documents because they want to conceal who they are, for instance because they have lied about their asylum story, or because they have left their country of origin to escape prosecution for criminal acts.

– We must ensure that cheating is not rewarded, says Mr. Andersen.